Zoom link:
Please add your name in here:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Suresh Krishnan (Deactivated) (Kaloom)
- Sukhdev Kapur (Juniper)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Meeting Recording:
Agenda bashing
- Announcements:
- Kali Release:
- Status, Release Readiness moved by TSC from 22 June to 29 June
- Alignment work with GSMA
- Kali release:
- Status
- Any open issues
- Creation of Kali branch; Monday 28 June planned for creating Kali branch of GitHub
- Lakelse Release Scoping due 29 June 2021:
- We reviewed and agreed on the Lakelse topics and their prioroties: Lakelse Specification Planning Dashboard - Anuket - Anuket
- Lakelse Schedule - Anuket - Anuket
- Infrastructure LCM Automation (9.5.1) - owned by Saad, issue 2087
- Security updates - owned by Karine- issues 2314, 2481, 2482
- Storage - owned by Joh Hartley - Issue 2056
- Muti-cloud - owned by Walter Kozlowski, Pankaj, John Hartley - create new issues
- Hardware acceleration updates - owned by Petar Torre, Tomas Fredberg - create new issues
- PaaS services inclusion - owned by Pankaj - create new issues
- Suggested by Pankaj nw topic: Virtual data path acceleration (vDPA). Experts needed.
- Planning work for RM for next month
Anuket Kali release milestones:
M0 | Start of release |
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M1 | Release planning |
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M2 | Scope Freeze |
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M3 | Content Freeze |
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M4 | Proofreading |
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M5 | Release Readiness |
| |
M6 | Release |
Minutes: (chat)
00:01:59 From Walter Kozlowski (Telstra) to Everyone : https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/2021-06-23+-+%5BAnuket+Reference+Model+Workstream%5D+Agenda+and+Meeting+Minutes
00:26:33 From Pankaj Goyal to Everyone : Added ref-a1 so even if you are not named reviewer you should be able to approve https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/2493
00:28:24 From Pankaj Goyal to Everyone : ref-m also
00:46:53 From Tom Van Pelt to Everyone : for those with GSMA infocentre access (and that are interested): a recording of the FASG session that included Walter's and Karine's talks is available https://infocentre2.gsma.com/gp/wg/FSG/WorkingDocuments/FASG20_100%20Training%20Session%20recording.m4v
00:58:20 From Pankaj Goyal to Everyone : Virtual data path acceleration (vDPA)