Project Candidates: RI-2 Instantiation, VSPERF, Airship, Prox/SampleVNF, CIRV, would participate in Integration testing, need to talk about others.
Can TSC create the Requirements SC or WG? (Charter says YES)
Is OPNFV Releasing a Conformance Test Suite? (traceability to CNTT)
Is this Process for the JERMA Release? (yes)
Are the Definitions of Gates clear?
Testing of the CNTT-selected RC Test Cases
projects must pass Gating (s 17)
Gates need to be established, install without errors, simple functional tests, success of more advanced features and automated with X-testing
Pre-requisites, include Integration TEST project (Morgan in ONAP), test what OPNFV delivers. OPNFV needs to Release and Support tests that are reliable.
"Establish" items are the key steps for TSC: Requirements Vetting and Integration Test SCs
5 min
CNTT Engagement status updates
CNTTFuture Mode of Operation - deadline is September for a recommendation to the Governance Board.
Due to low attendance over the past three meetings (10), quorum needs to be 6
Quorum reached
Minutes approved
Cédric Ollivier has announced he will not renew his seat for the upcoming term
TSC has agreed to start nomination period
OPNFV Release Process
David presented wiki pages and overview
Trevor Cooper notes that there is still a disconnect between the original OPNFV datacenter installer view and the new release process. The question still is what does OPNFV provide as artifacts
Mark Beierl suggests that with CNTT, OPNFV has the opportunity to use that as a way of defining the artifacts: Reference Impl (what used to be the installers) and Reference Cert (which is similar to what the Test WG used to talk about). So the RI and RC combined pick versions of projects that fit the RI/RC suite and that is what creates the final release. The requirements WG can suggest work items for projects, the projects can consume them and release on their own schedules, and then OPNFV major release can pull those together into a cohesive deliverable.
New Action items
Send email to PTLs about the Requirements Working Group