Project Candidates: RI-2 Instantiation, VSPERF, Airship, Prox/SampleVNF, CIRV, would participate in Integration testing, need to talk about others.
Can TSC create the Requirements SC or WG? (Charter says YES)
Is OPNFV Releasing a Conformance Test Suite? (traceability to CNTT)
Is this Process for the JERMA Release? (yes)
Are the Definitions of Gates clear?
Testing of the CNTT-selected RC Test Cases
projects must pass Gating (s 17)
Gates need to be established, install without errors, simple functional tests, success of more advanced features and automated with X-testing
Pre-requisites, include Integration TEST project (Morgan in ONAP), test what OPNFV delivers. OPNFV needs to Release and Support tests that are reliable.
"Establish" items are the key steps for TSC: Requirements Vetting and Integration Test SCs
5 min
CNTT Engagement status updates
CNTTFuture Mode of Operation - deadline is September for a recommendation to the Governance Board.