Heather mentions that current assumption on event planning was 4 events per year. Heather asks: Given that the overall outlook on the progression of the pandemic is still unclear, do we want 4? There could be a potential for hybrid events in the 2nd part of the year.
Beth suggests that long term we might want to consider alternating purely virtual with purely physical events (different definition of what is commonly understood as "hybrid" where some folks are local and some are virtual/remote).
Understanding is that "classic hybrid" is challenging for remote attendees.
If you want subtrees copied from CNTT or OPNFV wiki, send email to Jim Baker, identifying the root of the subtree. Jim will create the associated tickets with LF. Look for an email from Jim.
Future topics: Alignment of groups/IDs across LF LDAP and Github. Issue tracking (Jira/Github?).
We'll use spaces to avoid namespace conflicts. But use with care. Current spaces (Virtualized Environment is for RA/RC1; Containerized Environments is for RA/RC2; for "everything Anuket", we'd use the Anuket space moving forward):
15 min
Run CNTT RC2 by yourself via Katacoda (20 minutes, 10 clicks)