Both the Specifications and the implementation projects in Anuket have documentation produced in different style and different templates. The structure of the final documentation is not well designed and calls for rethink on how the documents are organized. This requires a team which feels responsible for the different pieces of documentation and works for a consistent representation of them in the overall Anuket documentation.
The documentation team would responsible for:
- Look and feel of Anuket documentation, both of the implementation projects and the specifications.
- Toolchain for rendering the documentation
- Documentation guide and implementation of linting rules
The documentation team would not be responsible for:
- The technical content of the documentation except for the documentation guide
- Proofreading of the documentation
The Documentation team should be responsible for the following parts of the documentation:
- landing page of Anuket (docs folder in )
- landing page of Anuket specifications (doc folder in
- landing page of the Anuket specifications repo (root folder of
- Documentation building framework for the Anuket specifications (tox,ini, _static, _templates files and folders in the folders of the documents in the Anuket specifications and in Anuket sub-projects) in a collaboration with the different sub-project contributors
- Documentation building framework and support of Anuket implementation projects in a collaboration with the different sub-project contributors
- Documentation guide for Anuket
Sub-project lead
Committers (proposal)
- Cédric Ollivier (not confirmed)
- Georg Kunz
- Scot Steele
- Karine Sevilla (not confirmed)
Meeting details
- To be figured out after committers were confirmed