Questions that CVC asks the Anuket TSC to answer (these questions are to help qualify whether the CVC could go ahead and "market" a release).
This decision should address both technical accuracy and if the requirements set meets to end-user needs. - Lincoln Lavoie
These questions are to help CVC gating process - they are not intended to gate anything on the Anuket release process:
Are the test cases sufficiently well-implemented to cover RA/RM? Cédric Ollivier Anuket CNTT RC1 and Anuket CNTT RC2 (as in compliance and not release candidate) decide if the test case is well implemented to verify existing deployments
Do the requirements meet the end-user needs? (operators must answer this) Cédric Ollivier It depends how end users leverage compliance verification or certification.
Cédric Ollivier EUG seems a better place if we want to evaluate the marketing value for a new badge. It's a CVC milestone or TSC rendez-vous, unlinked to the project release.
Update on Weekly Technical Discussion of the Charter
Charter Ready for Review by Legal
Operation procedures and Guidelines
Documents to comment on:
Anuket Charter proposal for commenting - we plan to close the remaining comments to this next Monday on the weekly meeting. After that LF Legal will review it and TSC will vote if we accept the result.