The next meeting takes place on , at 16h00 UTC (17h00 Ireland/Dublin).
- Lakelse updates
- CI status
- TSC updates
- Standards updates
2021 Meetings
- Lakelse updates
- M4 has been achieved
- M5 is December 14:- need to complete release readiness tasks: https://jira.anuket.io/browse/BAROMETER-186
- CI status
- All green
- TSC updates
- 2022 TSC co-chairs have been elected: Beth Cohen and Gergely Csatari
- SPC election underway: 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections
- Standards updates
- Lakelse Updates
- TSC approved M4
- CI status
- Everything is passing!
- TSC updates
- Elections are underway for TSC co-chairs: 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections
- Standards updates
The TST008 update is that the ETSI Editors contacted Al today to say that their editing process (on the approved text) has begun.