Anuket Project
Former user (Deleted)
Emma Foley
Sunku Ranganath (Deactivated)
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
The weekly meeting takes place on Tuesdays at 15:00 Irish Standard time (UTC)
Meeting is held on zoom: https://zoom.us/j/92950950555?pwd=K2tWZWovWXJWTmNuZHIxNGlZWkpHQT09 and IRC #opnfv-meeting.
Standing agenda items
- TSC updates
- CI status
- Release updates
- Action item review
Next meeting
The next meeting takes place on , at 15h00 UTC (15h00 Ireland/Dublin).
- TSC updates
- There are some proposed changes the charter to remove the restrictions on membership composition.
- CI status
- stable/moselle container jobs are not building/pushing; seems to be a timing issue, the job ran before the stable/moselle
- Release updates
- Action item review
2022 Meetings
- TSC updates
- CI status
- Release updates
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- TSC elections are coming up; the active contributors list is available: https://lf-anuket.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UxlOAQ
- PTLs can add additional contributors until September 29th.
- There will be an election for 2022 TSC Member Replacement Election, Cedric Ollivier
- TSC elections are coming up; the active contributors list is available: https://lf-anuket.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UxlOAQ
- CI status
- Moselle container jobs are failing
- Release updates
- M2 has been approved
- M3 is November 8th
- There was a brief discussion about having a community release manager instead of a LF staff release manager
- More details will be shared next week about role/responsibility of a community release manager
- Action item review
- (Emma) Check on Moselle job failures
- TSC updates
- TSC elections are coming up; the active contributors list is available: https://lf-anuket.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UxlOAQ
- There will be an election to fill the vacant seat left by Cedric Ollivier; timeline TBD, must be run within 30 days of notification
- CI status
- Moselle jobs container jobs are failing.
- Release updates
- M2 has been pushed to September 20th
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- CI status
- Moselle container jobs are failing
- Release updates
- M2 is scheduled for Sept 13
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- A new docs project was proposed; scope needs to be clarified and some questions addressed
- No stable branches were created for moselle for barometer, vineperf or kuberef; Cedric pointed to the solution, and offered to do the final creation step.
- CI status
- Moselle jobs exist but are failing because there is no moselle branch
- Release updates
- M1 is completed (Barometer Nile Release Planning)
- M2 is September 13th (Nile Release Progress)
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- release retrospective took place; mostly regarding docs
- CI status
- All jobs are passing
- Release updates
- Release cycle starting August 2nd
- M1 is August 16th
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- CFP deadline for ONE summit is July 10th
- CI status
- All jobs are passing
- Release updates
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- CI status
- Jobs seem to be working again
- Release updates
- Moselle is almost over; branch cutting and job creation pending
- Nile kickoff has been pushed out to give people a chance to decompress and deal with any delays in Moselle.
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- Topics are due for developer event in Porto
- There will be one virtual-only track
- Release update
- Today is M4; no action needed - all high priority items are resolved
- TSC was asked to approve the milestone; there were no objections
- Ci status
- All green, but nothing seems to have run recently; barometer-daily-lakelse has not run for over a month; barometer-daily-master has not run for 2 weeks
- CI status
- All green
- Release update
- TSC approved M3 today
- TSC Updates
- CI status
- All is green
- Release updates
- M3 was push out by 2 weeks
- Action item review
19-Apr-2022 (Cancelled)
- TSC Updates
- CI status
- All is green
- Release updates
- M3 is April 19th
- High priority Jira issues resolved (closed or assigned to future release)
- Preliminary documentation completed (confirmed by DOCs team)
- M3 is April 19th
- Action item review
- TSC Updates
- CI status
- All is green
- Release updates
- Action item review
- TSC Updates
- Airship project is proposed for archiving
- CI status
- Everything is green
- Release updates
- M3 is mid-April
- Action item review
- TSC Updates
- CI status
- All is green: https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/
- Release updates
- M2 was today
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- There was no TSC meeting today;
- CI status
- All is green! https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/
- Release updates
- M2 is very soon
- Action item review
- (Emma) Update release documentation (Jira)
- TSC updates
- CI status
- All is green! https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/
- Release updates
- M2 is in 2 weeks
- Action item review
- (Emma) Update release documentation
- TSC updates
- CI status
- All is green! https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/
- Release updates
- Reminder from dmcbride to update documentation on what we're planning to do for the release.
- Plans should include CentOS Stream
- TODO(Emma) Update release documentation
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- Not moving to gitlab for Moselle
- CI status
- All green
- Release updates
- Not much happening; may have to remove support for pmu-tools, since the packages are not building https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/centos-opstools/pmu-tools/+/39016
- Action item review
- TSC updates
- CLA and gitlab migration are under discussion
- CI status
- Looks good
- Release updates
- Moselle M2 is mid-March
- Action item review
- Emma to update meeting time to 2 hours earlier
- TSC updates
- Gitlab migration was discussed
- CI status
- Everything is working
- Release updates
- Moselle M2 is mid March
- Action item review
- Update meeting time – proposed to move it 2 hours earlier
- Release updates
- Moselle M1 is
- CI status
- All are green!
- TSC updates
- Standards updates
- it looks like it's been published
- RA2 discussion
- Looking to add requirements for metrics in kubernetes
- Output for RA2 content on this is a set of requirements for metrics
- https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-TST/001_099/008/03.05.01_60/gs_NFV-TST008v030501p.pdf
- https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/Monitoring%2C+Metrics+and+Events+Requirements+High+Level+List
- https://archive.fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/do_you_really_see_whats_happening_on_your_nfv_infra/
- Release updates
- Moselle is kicking off
- CI status
- All are green!
- TSC updates
- Standards updates
- cancelled
- Release updates
- Tasks complete for Lakelse M5
- CI status
- All green, and Lakelse jobs are up
- TSC updates
- Standards updates
2021 Meetings
- Lakelse updates
- exception approved for barometer m5 until December 17th
- CI status
- All green!
- TSC updates
- Standards updates
- Lakelse updates
- M4 has been achieved
- M5 is December 14:- need to complete release readiness tasks: https://lf-anuket.atlassian.net/browse/BAROMETER-186
- CI status
- All green
- TSC updates
- 2022 TSC co-chairs have been elected: Beth Cohen and Gergely Csatari
- SPC election underway: 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections
- Standards updates
- Lakelse Updates
- TSC approved M4
- CI status
- Everything is passing!
- TSC updates
- Elections are underway for TSC co-chairs: 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections
- Standards updates
The TST008 update is that the ETSI Editors contacted Al today to say that their editing process (on the approved text) has begun.
- Lakelse Updates
- Release will be early next year
- CI status
- Everything is passing!
- TSC updates
- Elections are underway for TSC co-chairs: 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections
- Standards updates
- No comment; remote consensus process closed; Document number updated to NFV(21)000243, and it's now considered "done"; expected actions from editors to update style and references;
- Lakelse Updates
- M4 is up today, which applies to specification projects
- There was a discussion on moving the release schedule so Lakelse finishes later
- CI status
- Everything is passing
- TSC updates
- Elections are underway for TSC co-chairs: 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections
- Standards updates
- Lakelse update
- M4 is next, which applies to specification projects only
- CI status
- https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/job/barometer-collectd-latest-docker-build-push-master/ - failing
- https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/job/barometer-collectd-experimental-docker-build-push-master/ - failing
- https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/c/barometer/+/73001 will hopefully address these, as the failures both appear to be due to an issue in systems/centos/8/build_base_machine.sh
- TSC Updates
- 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections (Co-chair elections) are underway, nominations close on
- Standards updates
- Thoth
- Action(Emma): Investigate collectd failures on POD-18
- Lakelse update
- M3 is
- preliminary documentation needs to be completed
- Action(Emma) to provide docs Scott Steele
- CI status
- https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/job/barometer-collectd-latest-docker-build-push-master/ - failing
- https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/barometer/job/barometer-collectd-experimental-docker-build-push-master/ - failing
- Both are based on the same Dockerfile (IIRC), with different parameters, so the same fix will likely solve this.
- The issue might also be in all containers, but rebuilding was not triggered for others recently
- TSC Updates
- TSC election has concluded
- Standards updates
- No comments so far from the remote consensus process
- Thoth
- Action(Emma): Investigate collectd failures on POD-18
- Lakelse update
- M3 is
- preliminary documentation needs to be completed
- New release names announced
- Moselle
- Nile
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are closed and voting is underway for the 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections, will close on
- Standards updates
- Approval process has been started for ETSI NFV GS NFV-TST008ed351 - this remote consensus process lasts for 4 weeks, started yesterday, Monday, October 25.
- Committer clean-up
- Done
- Thoth
- Sridhar requested some help with collectd on POD-18, one instance of collectd was continually restarting and workload migrations aren't being triggered when CPU intensive workloads are run.
- Sridhar outlined a plan to generate workload metrics using GANs since there's a lack of data from large enough clouds.
- Lakelse update
- M3 is
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are closed and voting is underway for the 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections, will close on
- Standards updates
- ETSI standard was approved at the working group level today; next step: remote consensus
- Committer clean-up
- Review up for Aaron and Calin: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/c/barometer/+/72964
- Lakelse update
- M3 is October 19th
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections, will close on
- Standards updates
- Committer clean-up
- Review up for Aaron and Calin: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/c/barometer/+/72964
- Lakelse update
- M3 is October 19th
- CI status
- Everything is passing
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC memberships
- Standards updates
- No updates; latest meeting was post-poned
- Committer clean-up
- Process for removing committers:- either a committer steps down voluntarily or can be removed by a 2/3 majority vote.
- Action(Emma) Reach out to Calin about stepping down
- Lakelse update
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC memberships
- Standards updates
- A complete working group review of the document is happening, then it will be submitted for full approval.
- Committer clean-up
- Emma did not check the existing process
- Emma e-mailed Aaron about stepping down as a committer - he agreed
- Al e-mailed Maryam about stepping down as committer - she sadly agreed
- Action(Emma): Check the existing process for removing committers;
- Action(Emma) Reach out to Calin about stepping down
- Lakelse update