The next meeting takes place on 05 , at 16h00 UTC (17h00 Ireland/Dublin).
- Lakelse update
- M3 is
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are closed and voting is underway for the 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections, will close on
- Standards updates
- ETSI standard was approved at the working group level today; next step: remote consensus
- Committer clean-up
- Review up for Aaron and Calin: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/c/barometer/+/72964
2021 Meetings
- Lakelse update
- M3 is
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are closed and voting is underway for the 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections, will close on
- Standards updates
- ETSI standard was approved at the working group level today; next step: remote consensus
- Committer clean-up
- Review up for Aaron and Calin: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/c/barometer/+/72964
- Lakelse update
- M3 is October 19th
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC Member, Co-Chair, and SPC Representative Elections, will close on
- Standards updates
- Committer clean-up
- Review up for Aaron and Calin: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/c/barometer/+/72964
2021 Meetings
- Lakelse update
- M3 is October 19th
- CI status
- Everything is passing
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC memberships
- Standards updates
- No updates; latest meeting was post-poned
- Committer clean-up
- Process for removing committers:- either a committer steps down voluntarily or can be removed by a 2/3 majority vote.
- Action(Emma) Reach out to Calin about stepping down
- Lakelse update
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC memberships
- Standards updates
- A complete working group review of the document is happening, then it will be submitted for full approval.
- Committer clean-up
- Emma did not check the existing process
- Emma e-mailed Aaron about stepping down as a committer - he agreed
- Al e-mailed Maryam about stepping down as committer - she sadly agreed
- Action(Emma): Check the existing process for removing committers;
- Action(Emma) Reach out to Calin about stepping down
- Lakelse update
- M3 is October 19th
- CI status
- Everything is passing
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC memberships
- Standards updates
- No updates; latest meeting was post-poned
- Committer clean-up
- Process for removing committers:- either a committer steps down voluntarily or can be removed by a 2/3 majority vote.
- Action(Emma) Reach out to Calin about stepping down
2021 Meetings
- Lakelse update
- CI status
- TSC Updates
- Nominations are open for the 2022 TSC memberships
- Standards updates
- A complete working group review of the document is happening, then it will be submitted for full approval.
- Committer clean-up
- Emma did not check the existing process
- Emma e-mailed Aaron about stepping down as a committer - he agreed
- Al e-mailed Maryam about stepping down as committer - she sadly agreed
- Action(Emma): Check the existing process for removing committers;
- Action(Emma) Reach out to Calin about stepping down