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Beth Cohen 

Gergely Csatari 

Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 

  • SPC Update
    • Meetings on hold until 8/21
  • Board meeting update
  • Sylva
    • Sylva uses RA2, but not RM and RA1.
    • Sylva uses functest-kubernetes, but not RC2
    • Sylva does not have open stack, uses Kubernetes
    • Need to find champion to connect Sylva and Anuket. We have a vacancy in the TSC's Sylva Technical Officier role since a very long time.


Did not meet, will use the August 2nd technical meeting to discuss. 


  • SPC Update
  • Board meeting update
  • Sylva


Did not meet not enough in attendance. 


Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 

Petar Torre (Deactivated) 

  • SPC Update
  •  Anuket Releases
  • Sylva



Olivier Smith 

Beth Cohen 

Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 

Lincoln Lavoie 

Should Anuket TF hold off until SPC make a decision:

  • Activities are parallel, we should continue 
  • How do we get the cloud providers to participate?
    • targeting the right cloud providers and getting to the right business units
  • Anuket is not being reference in RFPs 

Verizon actively uses Anuket as a reference as are other telecos but it's not being advertised

  • Why not?
  • Is there a need 

Can we get a user group to implement Anuket and make adjustments accordingly?

  • This was one of the pulls for Matrix the original idea of being compliant with telcos
  • You want to be able to show that it works and this will draw more participants
  • what are the carrots for getting the participants - 
  • Is there an opportunity with TM Forum to showcase?

What do we want to achieve with the PoC?

  • Prove the original concept that Anuket can deliver a common model, standardized reference infrastructure specs and conformance and performance framework for virtualized and cloud native network functions. 
  • Missing piece applications
    • We have 2/3 of the solution participating in the TF (operator and cloud provider). 
    • Take feedback to SPC meetings to see if we can get the application piece and target a working group to work on the PoC.



Olivier Smith 

Gergely Csatari 

Beth Cohen 

Petar Torre (Deactivated) 

Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 


  1. Brainstorm discussion 
  • Identified actionable items Anuket can implement now 
    • More cross community collaboration - Identify communities to collaborate with:
      • Nephio  – Get the cloud vendors on board at the same time.  Mostly an orchestrator and automation tool.  Need to confirm that the two communities are in alignment.  This is potentially the most fruitful approach.  As the cloud providers are working hard on attracting the Telcos to use their cloud infrastructure, this might be a win -win strategy.
      • Sylva – Already in alignment, but if Anuket  goes into maintenance mode, there is a danger that Sylva might have trouble continuing as well.
      • O-RAN?  – Needs a definition of the underlying infrastructure and need to make sure that the projects are in alignment
    • selective and focused collaboration 
    • Ask the vendors to participate on the implementation piece
    • Find a project (developing markets)to assist 
    • Approach cloud vendors to contribute to projects by aligning with specs

Overall, what do the different communities need from Anuket?  Does Anuket need to change to be more attractive to these other communities?  It does, but we don't have a good idea of what it is.  Discussion of conformance, is it useful?  We have launched several conformance projects that have not been adopted by the larger community.  Quality specs and quality code is needed, but the backing of the Telcos is needed to drive adoption by the vendors.  We lost the backing of one of the major Telcos due to changes in strategy. 

Meeting Recording:Anuket Taskforce 06_20_2023.mp4  



Beth Cohen 

Gergely Csatari 

Olivier Smith

Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 


  1. SPC update
  2. D&TF
  3. Brainstorm discussion 
  • Identified actionable items Anuket can implement now 
    • More cross community collaboration
      • selective and focused collaboration 
      • Ask the vendors to participate on the implementation piece
      • Find a project (developing markets)to assist 
      • Approach cloud vendors to contribute to projects by aligning with specs

Meeting was adjourned due to lack of attendees



Beth Cohen 

Lincoln Lavoie 

Olivier Smith 


Gergely Csatari 


1.  Brainstorming Exercise 2X2 GridAction/Priority Matrix

  • Objective - Find commonality to assist with prioritizing what we should resolve first
  • Ground rules
  • Identify low hanging fruit, if there's any
  • Action/Priority Matrix Exercise

2. Discussion

  • Identified actionable items Anuket can implement now 
    • More cross community collaboration
      • selective and focused collaboration 
      • Ask the vendors to participate on the implementation piece
      • Find a project (developing markets)to assist 
      • Approach cloud vendors to contribute to projects by aligning with specs

3. Timeline - Target Date 

  • Implement the actionable quick wins by the end of June
  • Waiting to hear back from the GB for direction on the longer term next steps

Meeting Recording: Anuket TaskForce 05_30_2023.mp4



Meeting postponed due to low attendance.


1.  Brainstorming Exercise Action/Priority Matrix

  • Objective - Find commonality to assist with prioritizing what we should resolve first
  • Ground rules
  • Identify low hanging fruit, if there's any

2. Discussion Discussion

3. Timeline - Target Date



Beth Cohen 


Scot Steele 

Lincoln Lavoie 

Kenny Paul 

Last Meeting Follow-up

  1. Priorities and scope
    1. What was your company’s objective when you first started?
    2. What value can Anuket provide your company now?
    3. What is a success story for Anuket/what are we trying to achieve?



Lincoln Lavoie 

Gergely Csatari 


Who's using Anuket

