- SPC Update
- Meetings on hold until 8/21
- Board meeting update
- Sylva
- Sylva uses RA2, but not RM and RA1.
- Sylva uses functest-kubernetes, but not RC2
- Sylva does not have open stack, uses Kubernetes
- Need to find champion to connect Sylva and Anuket. We have a vacancy in the TSC's Sylva Technical Officier role since a very long time.
Did not meet, will use the August 2nd technical meeting to discuss.
- SPC Update
- Upcoming board meeting Anuket Releases
- Sylva
Last Meeting Follow-up
- Priorities and scope
- What was your company’s objective when you first started?
- What value can Anuket provide your company now?
- What is a success story for Anuket/what are we trying to achieve?
Who's using Anuket