Do you approve the 2023 nomination/election schedule ? Scot Steele to Everyone (9:16 AM) For Pankaj +1 Riccardo Gasparetto Stori to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1 Me to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1=Approve Walter Kozlowski to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1 Karine Sevilla to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1 Scot Steele to Everyone (9:16 AM) for me +1 Beth Cohen (Verizon) to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1 Gergely Csatari to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1 Jie Niu to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1 Cédric Ollivier to Everyone (9:16 AM) 0 Georg Kunz to Everyone (9:16 AM) +1
5 min
Release Updates
Nile Release
M1 taskshave been completed. RM recommends approval of M1.
Vote on M1
M2 is scheduled for Sept 613.
Stable/Moselle patches
2022-07-26: Unmerged patches in the Moselle release that need to be completed. Patches were in place in time. Fabio needs to do the merge. Sandra Jackson will talk to Fabio to complete the task.
David recommended TSC approve M1 for Nile Riccardo Gasparetto Stori to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1 Karine Sevilla to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1 Scot Steele to Everyone (9:21 AM) Pankaj +1 +1 Emma Foley to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1 Jie Niu to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1 Georg Kunz to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1 Gergely Csatari to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1 Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL) to Everyone (9:21 AM) +1
Stable/Moselle patches
Creating branches can be done with releng scripts
Cherry picking can be done by the sub-project members
A:Gergely Csatari to find out from whom this request was initiated
TSC to revisit its previous decisions at 2021.02.23and2022.02.08and make it the individual sub-projects decision, with a notification/discussion with the TSC, if they would like to move GitLab or not.
Cédric Ollivier it is already the decision of the sub-projects if they are willing to move GitLab or stay in Gerrit. Why should we revisit again and again this question? In a previous TSC call, 3 contributors (about Functest, VinePerf and Barometer) expressed their preferences for Gerrit.