Anuket Project

2022-08-09 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Beth Cohen (Verizon, Co-Chair)
  2. Walter.kozlowski(Telstra)
  3. Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
  4. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  5. Georg Kunz (Ericsson) 
  6. Gergely Csatari (Nokia, Co-Chair)
  7. Scot Steele(Microsoft)
  8. Al Morton (AT&T)
  9. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  10. Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)  
  11. jie niu (China Mobile)
  12. Karine Sevilla(Orange) 
  13. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  14. Trevor Cooper (Intel)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)

Other Attendees 

  1. Pano Xinos (LFN)
  2. Ildiko (OIF)






5 min

2 min


  • CNCF Telecom days
    • CFP closed yesterday
    • No Anuket talk were proposed
  • ONE Summit
    • 160 submissions and a bit less number of slots
    • CFP Notifications: Monday, August 22
    • There is a travel moratorium in some of the companies
  • New meeting bridge
    • We will get a new meeting invite
    • Sandra will create a new bridge also for the Weekly Technical Discussions meeting
    • We do not need the TSC planing meeting, let's just cancel it
20 min
  • ODIM project introduction.  A normalized and standardized HW management system.  The project reached out to Anuket to present to TSC 30 minutes for next TSC August 2 meeting. 
    • Detailed technical discussion will happen in the Weekly Technical Meeting on  

Bharath Kumar

5 min
  • Release Updates

    Nile Release


    Stable/Moselle patches

    2022-07-26: Unmerged patches in the Moselle release that need to be completed.  Patches were in place in time.  Fabio needs to do the merge. Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) will talk to Fabio to complete the task.

    Change in the release process to avoid the post signoff stable patches

  • M2 is just after labor day
    • TSC agrees to move M2 one week later to  
  • M1 is next week  
    • All agreed, no objections to schedule change of M1
    • Software project participation
      • SW projects need to submit their project plans
    • Specification project dashboard
      • RA1 should update the page
        • RA1 will define detailed issues for Nile after they are done with GSMA tasks
        • High level deliverables will be provided by M1
      • RI-s and RC-s should update the page
  • We should have a vote on M1 in next weeks TSC meeting

5 min
Check off line on the updates.
1 min
  • CLA Update
No updates.
5 min
  • Leftovers from the merger
Sent email to Fabio, no response so far.  The latest version of the docs link is missing.  Ticket has been created and being worked by Fabio.

2 min
  • CCC updates

No updates

2 min

Sub-project Leaders

No Updates
5 min

1 minAOB
  • Elections have a long runaway, so maybe we should start the process


Meeting Administration

Outstanding Action Items