Newly-formed Interim TSC needs to meet quickly to decide procedures for election of TWO Co-Chairs
(a proposal exists to categorize the affiliation of each co-chair, which is non-meritocratic; chairs must be objective facilitators of meetings and decisions, and not operate otherwise)
NEXT vDev and Test Event Feb 1-4, 2021 (no conflicts identified at TAC level)
AIRSHIP - removal of floating IP support in ver 1.8 issue: 2 Functest test cases XX, – phase 2 integrate with Functest, - CNTT conformance requires moving to Train Live Migration
CIRV - RELREQ 5 - should be able to close in a few days testing now (Sridhar)
VSPERF - RELREQ 6 and 9 nearly complete, Integration with X-testing and Openstack Functest
SampleVNF - needs to join Pod 18 work
List of the Individual Projects Releasing with OPNFV-JERMA and Status
AIRSHIP - phase1 missed workaround for Nova instance console issue
Barometer - a few items to get working, but then can
kuberef - one patch to review, then can merge and stable
FDS - withraw, upstream component not available
Monday Tech Discuss on Anuket Release Artifacts
Portrayal of Reference Implementation (discussion):
Full RI comes AFTER Meld is complete? See artifact discussion
Discussion Notes (with OPNFV-JERMA, CNTT, and Anuket - related discussions)
How do we characterize the JERMA Release Test Suite?
OPNFV provides the building-blocks (tests) for CNTT's RC.
Repeatable, consumable, stable.
Hand-off OPNFV-JERMA to RC activities and OVP badging (not the same)
Main goal OPNFV-JERMA is to work-out Release processes and Release testing, then hand-off to others.
More specifically, is JERMA an RC Tech Preview? Prototype? Beta? Experimental?
JERMA is the most comprehensive set of tests aligned to the CNTT RA-1 and RC-1.
CNTT determines the definition of Compliance (test cases in RC).
How do we evaluate Individual Projects w.r.t. OPNFV-JERMA release?
For the individual project: self-defined tests are sufficient for RC0/1 gate
There is a Release test plan for every project that is part of OPNFV-JERMA Release
How do evaluate AIRSHIP delivery w.r.t. CNTT RI ??
How is AIRSHIP Project Gated/evaluated as part of the JERMA Release?
For the individual project: self-defined tests are sufficient for RC0/1 gate
There is a Release test plan for every project that is part of OPNFV-JERMA Release
A further AIRSHIP Release Gate: Requires RC-conformance tests? Or CNTT RI tests?
Or, Is the JERMA Release of AIRSHIP self-gating?
Or, isNo RI delivered in JERMA - RI not defined - AIRSHIP is an RI Technical Preview only.
For Reference Compliance (RC) Test Projects (Integration projects)
Proposed Gates: install without errors, simple functional tests, success of more advanced features and automated with X-testing
Documentation (for third-party users of RD testing)
RC test suite is a technical preview of CNTT RC-1
Does the TSC agree that JERMA is a release of OPNFV projects which can be consumed to form the BALDY RC and/or RI?
or do we mean to say that OPNFV JERMA IS The RC and the RI ??
NEED to follow OPNFV-JERMA Release with RC-1 Baldy Update, add the new tests in the 'how to run the additional RC-1 doc' cookbook (IOW, Baldy RC-1 point release is THE definition of RC for RC-1).