No need to add - will be done after the call.
Agenda and Minutes:
- Antitrust notices
- Walk-in Items
- Review of vF2F event
- WSL/co-leads: Tom Kivlinis stepping down
- Does anyone want to take it on? If not, we can trigger the nomination / selection process for new WSL following documented governance process:
- Project board review:
- Georg: CNOVP team had reached out to collaborate with RI2/Kuberef to test new OVP workflow
- k8s version requirements -
- RI will be released separately - Release process was discussed during Anuket TSC 12-02-2021 call
Jira review -
- Installation (BMRA) fails on Centos 8 targets - (Michael Pedersen has a workaround)
- Rihab will look into BMRA deployment on Ubuntu
- Gerrit review -
Ideas for kuberef short-term plan:
- Integrate BMRA (v2.0) in the Kuberef framework
- Expected done end of 2020
- Configure CI to run most recent RC2 test suite
- Decide what should be run when
- Estimate TBD
- Start enabling and testing additional cluster/k8s features
- Enabling started as part of BMRA integration
- Expected done in Jan 2021
- Add example CNFs/PODs/Workloads
- Is this something we want to include in Kuberef or keep separate?
- Might be (partially) covered by deployments/installs done through RC2
- Simple examples could be used to verify K8s features (maybe even through CI)
- Estimate TBD