TAC Committer Representative Election (for the entire LFN): Note that this turn it cannot be a representative from Anuket, given that the last representative was from OPNFV (Cedric).
Internship Program: Is there a firm timeline? Not yet - but soon to be expected.
10 min
Voting Eligibility Criteria
Proposal: for the past 12 month a count of GiHub activities, Gerrit commits, JIRA updates, Wiki updates and other evidence of activity and contributions to the project.
Ability for WS-leads/PTLs to request exceptions to add to the list
LFX Insights will work for this (i.e., contributions from past CNTT and OPNFV services will be rolled up into a single Anuket view in LFX insights).
Not "deadline", but rather "effective date"
TSC AGREES: Effective date for contributions: Mar/2/2020 to Mar/2/2021.
TSC AGREES: Threshold of eligibility: 20.
TSC AGREES: Eligible contributions: For the past 12 month a count of GiHub activities, Gerrit commits, JIRA updates, Wiki updates and other evidence of activity and contributions to the project.
TSC AGREES: WS-leads/PTLs have the ability to request exceptions to add to the list.
Expect rebranding of the OVP program (OVP still carries the "O" from OPNFV). Currently proposed name is "Anuket Assured" (as proposed to the MAC - naming discussions are ongoing).
VSPERF name/scope change still pending (discussion did not happen in the last meeting).
RI-2 lead: No volunteers so far.
10 min
Technical officers proposal
Proposal to nominate technical officers to lead particular technical and strategic collaboration activities. Volunteers sought for the following roles: