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Antitrust policies
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy
- GSMA Anti-Trust Policy Notice
- Recorded Policies:
Action item register
- Trevor Bramwell clarify how can we adopt the current user roles of the CNTT repo to GitLab
Organisation topics
Technical topics
Anuket Charter and TSC Procedures revisions - Gergely Csatari - 50 min
- Discussion of feedback received from LF Legal
- Issue 1: TSC Operations document approval by LF Projects:
- The point of separating the TSC Operations to a separate document was that we wanted to have flexibility and need to approval from LF Projects
- Proposal: merge the TSC Operations document to the charter. Discuss this with the TSC.
- Issue 2: 2/3 participation for TSC elections in the TSC Operations document:
- We should not put this requirement to the TSC Operations document
- We should only track the participation to elections and publish them on the mailing lists
- Issue 3: 2/3 participation for the TSC Co-chair election in the TSC Operations document:
- As here only the TSC members vote we can keep the requirement here.
- Issues indicated in the word document added to Anuket Charter proposal for commenting as inline notes.
- Issue 1: TSC Operations document approval by LF Projects:
- Anuket TSC Operations and Procedures document proposal for commenting
- Anuket Project Operations and Guidelines document for commenting