About Anuket

Anuket Project

About Anuket


Mission Statement: Empower the global communications community by creating and developing reference cloud infrastructure models, architectures, conformance programs and tools to deliver network services faster, more reliably, and securely. 


Anuket develops open reference infrastructure models, architectures, tools, and programs. Open source software developed within the project will leverage OSI-approved licenses, while documentation, including specifications, will leverage open licenses. The scope of the project includes but is not limited to:

(a) Enabling member communities to align on reference model, architecture and implementation requirements and specifications for cloud-based communications infrastructure and workloads 

(b)  Supporting open source and open standards communities in the ecosystem,

(c) Developing an integrated, tested, and validated open software reference infrastructure (including interfaces to hardware), with tools of its own design and from upstream testing projects,

(d) Helping design a conformance framework and validation programs,

(e) Contributing to and influencing upstream projects leveraging the reference infrastructure,

(f) Creating new open source components within the reference infrastructure where needed,

(g) Supporting ongoing strategic activities and evaluating emerging technologies to foster continued deployment success.


Anuket Launch  

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