Orinoco branch of the Gerrit projects (vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs)
A:Fabio Palumbo (Deactivated) to check if creating a branch to vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs can be done by only pushing a branch or it needs some Releng magic.
releng job updated to use release branch instead of master
A:Fabio Palumbo (Deactivated) to do update the releng job to use the release branch in vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs
Schedule proposed based on the assumption that Orinoco M5 can be accepted on what did not happen, therefore the schedule will be updated with the assumption that Orinoco M5 is going to be accepted on
New release names
We have great proposals for "S"
5 min
Ownership of governance related files and folders:
GOV folder
These are owned by the sub-project leads, however they are more under the responsibility of the TSC.
Proposal: Ask the PTL-s if they have any issues with moving these to be under TSC ownership and if not update CODEOWNERS accordingly.
A:Gergely Csatari send a mail to the PTL-s asking them if they have any objections against moving the files related to governance under TSC ownership