Anuket Project

Results Requirements of OVP Portal

For VNF portal:

  1. Results should be a valid gzip file
  2. Files in this tarball file
    1. Need a results.json file with the following data format





                  "objective": "onap heat template validation",

                  "sub_testcase": [],

                  "mandatory": true,

                  "name": "onap-vvp.validate.heat", //The test case should be list in this file

                  "result": "PASS“  //it should be either PASS or FAIL



                  "objective": "xxx xxx",

                  "portal_key_file": "./vping_logs/functest.log",  //The relative path of the log file of this test case, which can be open from the results detailed page of OVP portal.

                  "sub_testcase": [


                          "name": "xxx",

                          "result": "PASS"



                          "name": "xxx",

                          "result": "PASS"



                  "mandatory": true,

                  "name": "xxx",

                  "result": "PASS"



          "build_tag": "daily-master-2c10cabc-59d8-11e9-a264-0242ac110002",    //test_id = build_tag[13:49], so it should be daily-master-<UUID>

          "version": "2019.04",  //the version should be one list here

          "test_date": "2019-04-08 08:30:29 UTC",

          "duration": 8.432544946670532,

          "vnf_type": "heat",  //This is only for VNF, and it should be either heat or tosca.

          "vnf_checksum": "18d6353e213e2cdf1efd4422e0ac633500d6202c801a9fcf4a1fe2cc5a488387“,  //This is only for VNF.

          "validation": enabled/disabled  //This is only for NFVI to say that if it disables strict API response validation or not.
