Anuket Project

Dovetail Test Suite Structure Template

This page is intended as a working draft of test suite structure template for the dovetail project.

Test Plan Template

  • Introduction:
    • Scope: provide high-level description of the test plan scope
  • Test suite scope and procedures : define high-level description and requirements for the test suite scope, and requirements for each test case 
    • Using the OPNFV automated self test compliance suite: give requirements for the test tool
    • Third party labs for execution of the test suite: identify if a third party lab may be able to assist in the execution of the tests 
  • Test suite execution: describe requirements of executing the test cases. 

Design Specification Template

  • Features to be tested : list all test cases in the test suite
    • Test Case 1: XXX
    • ……
    • Test Case XXX: XXX
  • Test approach for the test suite: generally describe how to execute the test suite 
  • Test result analysis: provide requirements for the test result, what the test result should include
  • Test identification: identify the test naming scheme we will use in the dovetail in order that we can cross reference to the test projects and maintain our suite effectively. This naming scheme needs to be externally relevant to non-OPNFV consumers and as such some consideration is required on the selection.
  • Pass/Fail Criteria: define criteria for whether each test case in the test suite run successfully or not.

Test Case Specification Template

  • Test Case Name: define the name of the test case
  • Test Case ID: give an identity for the test case
  • Objective: describe the aim of the test case
  • Functionality: provide function description or high-level test process
  • Test Item: list all sub-test cases under the test case
    • Test item 1
    • ……
    • Test item XXX
  • Environmental requirements : describe what environment we need to prepare for executing the test case 
  • Scenario dependencies: describe what we need to deploy before execution of the test case
  • Preconditions and Procedural requirements: describe what pre-step we need to do before execution of the test case
  • Input Specifications: specify the input parameters for the test case
  • Output Specifications: specify the output parameters for the test case
  • Pass/Fail criteria: specify the criteria for whether the test case passes or not
  • Test Reporting: specify requirements for the test result report

Test Procedure Template

  • Test Case 1: XXX
    • Test item 1 : describe the detailed test procedure for each sub-test case in the test case 1
    • ....
    • Test item XXX
  • ……
  • Test Case XXX: XXX
    • ……
    • ……