Anuket Project

Meeting 051221


Scot Steele Brandon Wick Heather Kirksey Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Beth Cohen Jim BakerAnjali Goyal Jill Lovato


  • Anuket Assured Branding / Display
  • Anuket Ambassador Logo / Badge Items
  • Anuket & EUAG

Anuket Assured Branding / Display

Badging Proposal: (Awaiting final Inputs from Lincoln/Mark on categories/tests)

Verification Slides DRAFT: There was general consensus on the framework, display options. The website can be developed on the LFN site but the cards will feed in from the LFN landscape (under development). Brandon will work on next round of badges/tags with CS team.

Anuket Ambassador Logo

Discuss and finalize Ambassador Badge Options: Anuket-Ambassador-Assets-v2-ac.pdf. The team will go with Badge 6 (dark background with dark green circle around it). Brandon will work on next round of creative deliverables with CS team and gin up the Anuket Ambassadors application form for review. 

Anuket & EUAG

  • Joint EUAG / Anuket session for June LFN Developer & Testing Forum. Beth to help propose and run it. Beth/Scot to synch on session proposal/agenda.