Airship Installer Kali Release Planning

Anuket Project

Airship Installer Kali Release Planning



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Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameKali
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation


Airship-based Infrastructure Deployment and Lifecycle Management is an installer with the goal of deploying and managing the lifecycle of cloud and NFV infrastructure in order to support CNFs and VNFs testing and certification on top of the infrastructure. This project intends to cover:

  • Reference Implementation of cloud and NFV infrastructure according to industry infrastructure architecture model(s), e.g. Akraino blueprints, that Airship fits.
  • Support of the CNF and VNF Testing and Certification running on top of the cloud and NFV infrastructure if so specified in the model(s).


  • RI-1 bug fixes
  • RI-2 is on hold pending the following features available in upstream projects:
    • HPE iLO5 Redfish implement is supported in upstream go-redfish project because Anuket LaaS lab has only HPE servers.
    • Upstream Airship uplifts to CAPM3, BMO and Ironic to v0.4.1 or later (tentatively scheduled for Airship v2.2)

Release Artifacts

Indicate the work product (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note, etc) for this release.


Format (Container, Compressed File, etc.)

source codesource code for Airship v1 RI-1link to repo
documentationNo updates


High level architecture diagram

No change since last release.

Internal Dependencies

  • Intel Pharos
  • LaaS
  • RC-1
  • Functest

External Dependencies


Test and Verification

  • RC-1 test suites


List any risks and a plan to mitigate each risk.

Risk DescriptionMitigation Plan
Few developer resourceLFN marketing recruiting effort; internship program; 

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