Anuket Project
Kali Release Calendar (Approved by TSC)
Kali release milestones are tabulated below. For suggested detailĀ on any milestone, see Release process milestone planningĀ
Date* | Software Development | Reference Specifications | |
M0 | Ā | Start of release | |
M1 | Ā | ~completed version of the template for project plans | Release planning |
M2 | Ā | Jira Issues with Fix Version = Kali Release (So M1 and M2 collapse to May 11, if calendar approved on that date) | Scope Freeze |
M3 | Ā | High Priority JIRA issues resolved and documentation started for new features. Testing for M4 can begin. Declare for Supplementary Release, if needed. | Content Freeze |
M4 | Ā | RC and RI independent and combined testing continue/commence | Proofreading |
M5 | Ā | Documentation completed RI cookbook completed, Manifest completed Remaining Jira issues (assigned to the Kali Release) are closed or pushed to next release Release artifacts prepared Standalone project testing completed | Release Readiness |
M6 | Ā | Release Announcement by Marketing | Release Announcement by Marketing |
M7 | TBD | Supplementary Release (if needed) |
Date* = date listed , or release calendar approval date.
Release process principles
- A project or workstream may slip an internal release milestone with TSC approval
- A project or workstream may be included in the major release after the scheduled release, with TSC approval
- The project must declare for the SupplementalĀ Release (M7, typically 2 to 4 weeks late) prior to theĀ M3 date.