Anuket Project

2022-01-21 AI/ML for NFV Meeting Minutes


Sridhar Rao

Beth Cohen


Lei Huang

Sl. No.TopicPresenterNotes

Moselle - Release Plan

Sridhar Rao

Thoth Moselle Release Planning for more details of what will be included in the Moselle release of Thoth.  Research effort will be focused on producing a white paper on the topic of Intelligent Networking and Kubernetes.  Sponsorship and publication TBD – LFN.  

2Log-Analysis: Update
Will be updated Next week.
3ITU Problem Submission - Update

Will be presented at January 25 Anuket TSC meeting.  Lei Huangand Sridhar Raowill meet before TSC meeting to review potential submissions.

4Kubeflow - Update
Will be updated Next week.
5GANs - Update
Will be looking at other ways of generating data that is more real world and not just valid in the lab.