Anuket Project

Orinoco Release Highlights

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RA2Riccardo Gasparetto 
  • GSMA Publication - NG.139 docx created and submitted to GSMA
  • Update Kubernetes version - to 1.26
  • Add Express Data Path (XDP)
  • Fixes: clarify gaps, security requirements
  • RA2 is consolidating as the most comprehensive industry wide set of specifications for Kubernetes Telco Cloud - acceptance as a GSMA standard is confirming this status.
  • K8s release upgrade keeps RA2 aligned with the upstream communities and provides new features and fixes (e.g. IPv6 Dual Stack and Pod Security Admission Controller)
  • Express Data Path is beneficial to data plane users of Anuket as a Linux-native network acceleration technology

RA2 closed PRs:

  1. Added section on O-RAN alignment, O-Cloud requirements, Issue #3297
  2. Added information about Security HW assist, Issue #3296
  3. Introduced AF_XDP technology commentary, Issue #3314
  4. Added Hugepages metrics to Table 4.8, Issue #3224
  1. Alignment of Anuket and O_RAN can be beneficial. It would enable the operators to have an internal Telco Cloud that supports both Core and RAN Network Functions.
  2. Server hardware architectures offer various technologies to assist protecting data in use. 
  3. Use of this new socket type (AF_XDP) for high performance packet processing. 
  4. Metrics can be used for design optimization, requirements based on ETSI GS NFV-TST 008 V3.5.1.

[RM CH08] Additions of O-RAN alignment - Final by TFredberg · Pull Request #3371 · anuket-project/anuket-specifications (

[RM Ch7] Security HW Assist for Data in Use by petorre · Pull Request #3319 · anuket-project/anuket-specifications (

[RM Ch3 Ch4 Ch10] Introduce AF_XDP by petorre · Pull Request #3314 · anuket-project/anuket-specifications (

[RM] Added Hugepages metrics to Table 4.8 by pgoyal01 · Pull Request #3328 · anuket-project/anuket-specifications (