Anuket Project
2022-06-01 - [Anuket Reference Model Workstream] Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Zoom link:
Please add your name in here:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- This is the RM document on Read the Docs:
- Agenda Bashing
- Announcements
- Moselle proofreading status
- Proofreading underway: Karine to take care of Issue#2841, Walter to take care of links, figure references, and other editing issues; also Abbreviations
- LFN DTF Porto
- Topics registration until 27t of May:
- RM meeting will ask that the session on Anuket scope be also virtual to include more participants -DONE, its is virtual
- Proposals for RM topics (to be reviewed at the RM meeting):
- Multi-cloud Interaction Model (John, Pankaj) (TBC) (virtual) - John/Walter to add topic - DONE
- Automation and Security (Karine, Riccardo, Walter) (TBC) (virtual). - Karine to add topic _DONE
- Plan for next few RM meetings
- Our approach to Nile release to be kicked off on June 7th
Actions :
- Petar Torre (Deactivated) and Per Andersson to review and clean up wiki page on H/w Acceleration, and report to RM meeting about possible updates (into Nile release) based on technology development: Hardware Acceleration Abstraction