Expectation is that the list of active community members is available Sept/6.
AI: Chairs to create a calendar for the election filling the seat that Mark vacated. The new election needs to happen before Sept/24 (30 days after Mark resigned).
5 min
Election for the 2022 TSC Membership and Co-chairs + SPC Rep
The above does not include GitLab! But there is a ticket to mirror Gitlab activity of DOCS project with gerrit, making the activity visible to Insights in the sufficiently near-term.
TSC conditionally approves M2. Actual conditions and how they are documented at still in discussions (e.g. Cedric mentioned that there is currently redundant work to fill in the formal tables). Detailed discussions are going to happen as part of tech-discuss tomorrow (David will chair tech-discuss tomorrow).
0 min
Discuss that the golden list of meeting times and links need to be updated. If you are running a meeting, please update the Anuket Meetings page so people can find you.