Anuket Project

2022-04-20 Agenda and Minutes

New Time: 6AM Pacific Wednesday. 3PM CEST, 1PM GMT.


Sridhar Rao

Daniele Zulberti

Al Morton

Federica Paganelli

1Change of PTLSridhar
2Weekly meeting time/dayAl

New Time: 6AM Pacific (PST) Wednesday. 3PM CEST, 1PM GMT.

3Development for Moselle ReleaseSridhar

2 week extension

see table below

4K8S Benchmarking DiscussionDaniele

discussion of the bidirectional tests - still kind of an issue

some things from T-rex side we could not do

PROX crashes when taskset to multiple cores for SINGLE task

Results: Unidirectional traffic

  • Latency measurements by PROX of OVS-DPDK are very high
  • Inconsistent THPT meas PROX of OVS-DPDK 
  • T-rex does not have comparable data for OVS-DPDK, doesn't not support virtio driver
  • Similar

ACTION: Student Volunteer letter for Daniele  Time frame: October 10 Sept 10 (6 months)

5Testbed - IXIA supportSridhar/Al

2nd ACTION: Do we have support from Ancuta or other IXIA person?

ACTION: License for IXIA HW - Check with Trevor

6Mentoring inputFedericapython scripting with K8s is possible for some students in 3rd year

Progress for Moselle

1Epic-VINEPERF-672:Create Tools as part of moselle release1. Done (Yet to submit the patch)
2. Another - Will not implement - Idea is already stale.
CCLA for Moselle release (LF as C)

2Epic-VINEPERF-671:Add support for newer software versionsCompleted testing.Done

3Epic-VINEPERF-670:Create clean workflows for Baremetal, Openstack and Kubernetes UsecasesWorkflows are drawn-up. Implementation may need few more days. Request for 1 week more.Minor work needed for K8s Workflow
4Epic-VINEPERF-669:Improve Stability for moselle Release1. Bug Fixes (2 patches)Done

5Epic-VINEPERF-652:Enhance XTesting-ViNePerf Integration
depends on 7

6Task-VINEPERF-658:Enhance framework for XTesting-K8s UsecasePartially done (reading results from output), Deployment tool.1 task remains

7Task-VINEPERF-654:XTesting-ViNePerf Integration Enhancement - Kubernetes Will not implement due to limitations with CNIs.
Moved to Next release - if CNIs support this.

Need CNI to add  flows automatically in Switches (Userspace-CNI, supports DPDK, OVS, VPP). Major impediment to integrate with X-Testing

Sridhar will check with Xavier if ARP resolution is supported in Prox as a switch

8Task-VINEPERF-653:XTesting-ViNePerf Enhancement - Openstack [OLD]Done

9Epic-VINEPERF-638:Dataplane performance testing for various internal (within cloud) scenariosCompleted - Yet to submit the patchesDanielle will submit patches after Thesis on Friday, Monday  04/25

Task-VINEPERF-643:Pod-Pod Communication