Target Environment: Network-Intensive CNFs ( You can only consider CNIs that needs DPDK/SRIOV ). Other CNIs does not apply for Network-Intensive CNFs (Ex: U-plane Network functions of LTE-Core: SGW, PGW) East-West Traffic. Why Not North-South? (it is already done) Traffic Generator + Forwarder + Swap: Pods. Consider Set of Topologies. 1. Single Node 2. Multi Node 3. L2 and L3 Traffic. A. For Single Node L2: Done. {Majority of the thesis will focus on this - Highlight issues, limitations, results, patterns} B. For Single and Multi-Node L3: IPAM to be fully functional. C. For Multi-Node L2: We need to configure infrastructure switches (which is not possible) What Next: 1. Complete A fully. Including pointers to 'golden configuration': refer to TODO here: 2. How much we can do with 'B'. Does Prox/T-REx support B? Run Tests (topology-1) without configuring the switches Manually. Is this possible with Prox and T-REx.? For 2: 1. We need from Prox how to configure L3-Tests. Daniele to setup Toplogy-1 (VPP + Prox) with IPAM, and Luc to help us on how to run tets.
Daniele to ViNePerf: (whenever you find time) Organization and sharing of the documents: 1. Pod Deployment Files. 2. NAD Files. 3. Prox COnfig FIles for each topology (you will have to create separate folder) 4. T-Rex config files for each topology (you will have to create separate folder) 5. Documentation of the steps (any format - txt, or .md)