Anuket Project

2024-02-20 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1.  Rodrigues, João (Nokia) (Nokia)
  2. Beth Cohen (Verizon) - co-chair
  3. zhuguanyu (Huawei)
  4. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra) Proxy by Beth Cohen 
  5. Gergely Csatari (Nokia) - co-chair

Absent (TSC)

  1. Lincoln Lavoie 
  2. Riccardo Gasparetto 

Other Attendees 





Notes (if you have comments prior to the meeting add them to this column with your name as the source of the comment)
5 min

We have a quorum.

2 min
  • Announcements

Time to put in your D&TF sessions and registering for the Summit.  
Have not gotten any more notifications about the D&TF programming task force.
5 min
  • Release Updates

  • Pieman
    • Release work is ongoing
5 minutes
5 min
5 min
  • Separate repo and readthedocs or one repo and readthedocs

10 min
  • Walter as the board representative
  • A: Sandra Jackson to run a report on Anuket contributors and commit report
  • A: Gergely Csatari  to doublecheck the TAC ask related to the AI task force and Anuket.
  • No update from Walter.kozlowski 
  • Beth Cohen is back in the AI task force. The intention is to keep Thoth in Anuket.
  • AI Task force updates the Intelligent Networks Whitepaper.
2 min
  • SPC and TAC update
No SPC Meeting this week, so no update.

2 min
  • PTL and WSL Stand-up

Sub-project Leaders

  • No update
5 min

Technical Officer Updates

Discussion of O RAN and potential reference to use RA2.  Group needs to understand which companies are using Anuket.
1 minAOBBeth Cohen None