Anuket Project

2024-10-30 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone) - Proxy by Gergely Csatari
  2. Gergely Csatari (Nokia) - co-chair
  3. Rodrigues, João (Nokia) (Nokia)
  4. Beth Cohen (Verizon) - co-chair
  1. Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
  2. Walter.kozlowski  - (Self)
  3. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  4. zhuguanyu (Huawei)

Other Attendees





Notes (if you have comments prior to the meeting add them to this column with your name as the source of the comment)
5 minBeth Cohen

Have a quorum

Previous minutes (2024-10-23 TSC Agenda and Minutes) passed with no comment.

2 min
  • Announcements
  • New TSC meeting time. We will have a vote after Nov 2

  • A: Gergely to create a Doodle for the new meeting time
  • Gergely will not be able to chair the meeting next week, but Beth is available
5 min
  • Release Updates

  • Quinnipiac M4
    • RA2 sent the summary, but did not fill the dashboard
    • Decision: TSC Agrees to move the M4 date to  
      • 1: 4 / 0: 0 / -1: 0
5 min
  • sphinxcontrib-relative-link-corrector was archived
  • No update from LFX, just that they are still wrong
2 min
2 min

Sub-project Leaders

  • No Update
5 min

Technical Officer Updates

  • No update
1 minAOBBeth Cohen 
  • TSC elections
    • Sandra will develop the timeline and send it out for approval