Anuket Project

2024-09-18 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Gergely Csatari (Nokia) - co-chair
  2. Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
  3. Beth Cohen (Verizon) - co-chair
  4. Gergely Csatari (Telstra)
  1. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  2. zhuguanyu (Huawei)
  3. Rodrigues, João (Nokia) (Nokia)

Other Attendees





Notes (if you have comments prior to the meeting add them to this column with your name as the source of the comment)
5 min
  • Added discussion about Releng
  • We do not have a quorum, therefore we do not approve previous weeks meeting minutes
2 min
  • Announcements
    • New meeting time
    • Releng questions. Jenkins

  • We will have the TSC meeting on Wednesdays
    • Sandra already updated the invitation
  • Releng / Jenkins
  • Walter leaves Telstra tomorrow
    • RM moves from Walter's Teams to Zoom
    • Petar will deputy chair the relevant WG-s in GSMA
5 min
  • Release Updates

  • Work is ongoing
5 min
5 minutes
5 min

Still nothing.

10 min
  • Walter as the board representative

  • The board meets during our TSC meeting
  • Walter's term in the board ends with this meeting
2 min
  • None
2 min

Sub-project Leaders

  • None
5 min

Technical Officer Updates

  • Weekly Technical Meeting now overlaps with the TSC meeting
    • We did not have this meeting for a long time
    • If someone would like to have a meeting in any technical topic just send a mail to the Tech Discuss and either discuss the issue in mail or organize a meeting.
    • A: Gergely Csatari will cancel the meeting series
  • CNTI
    • CNTI works on integrating the CNTI tests to the Sylva validation framework

1 minAOBBeth Cohen 
  • None