Anuket Project

2021-06-23 ViNePerf Agenda and Minutes


Offline Updates Only.

Sl. NoTopicPresentersNotes

Development Update

  • Kali Status

  1. Documentation update patch is submitted. Review in progress.
  2. More testing will be done on 25th of June.
2ViNePerf-PROX Integration

3Update from Interns

Shubhank Saxena
Had a discussion with Luc Provoostand understood the basics and configuration of DPPD-PROX. Was able to run a basic configuration nop as well as gen mode.
Shreya Gupta
Had a session with Sridhar Rao on understanding vineperf and got headups on the next tasks.
Gone through the documentation of vineperf and tried running vineperf/tools/os_deploy_tgen independently to understand the deployment on openstack. 

4Lakelse Release M1

Release planning is ready. We can finalize it by next week.

ViNePerf Lakelse Release Planning