2021-04-13 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2021-04-13 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Al Morton  (AT&T)
  2. Frank Brockners (Cisco)
  3. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  4. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
  5. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  6. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  7. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  8. Sridhar Rao  (Spirent)
  9. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  10. jie niu (China Mobile representing Qiao Fu)
  11. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  12. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  13. Beth Cohen(Verizon) – have a conflict with an internal meeting today. (was late)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Mark Beierl (Canonical)
  2. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)

Other Attendees 

  1.  Scot Steele(AT&T)
  2. Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
  3. Amar Kapadia(Aarna Networks)
  4. Ulrich Kleber(Huawei)
  5. James Gu


5 min

Meeting Administration

Al Morton
  • Last week's minutes are APPROVED.
5 min


10 min

Al Morton

Amar Kapadia

Group was formed following the observation that a lot of the components for a 5G solution are already available across projects in LF. The project sits under LFN (evolution of the VCO demo).
There'll be two instances of Kuberef - one for ONAP, one for magma.

See also: https://www.lfnetworking.org/5g-super-blueprint/

Cédric Ollivier It shouldn't be limited to the e2e service deployment. It's also about testing, automating all tasks (what about the fork done by LFE?) and to allow the end users to run the same demo locally.

?? min
  • Update on Marketing efforts
    • "Getting Started" materials
    • Extending the Ambassador Program (both telcos and vendors)
B-TEAM!no updates (none of the team members attended the TSC meeting) Nothing to report -- Beth who is monitoring the meeting remotely
10 min
  • Continue Release process discussions, Goals and Management
  • Last Friday:
    • Resolved Gergely's comments
    • Began working on process steps for M1 criteria
  • Meeting CANCELED for Fri, April 16 (David OOO for the week)
    • Resume April 23
David McBride

CVC would like to request that at the time of the M4 milestone a go/no-go decision on badges for the requirements and testing contained be done for the release.  This decision should address both technical accuracy and if the requirements set meets to end-user needs.  - Lincoln Lavoie

Questions that CVC asks the Anuket TSC to answer as part of M4 (these questions are to help qualify whether the CVC could go ahead and "market" a release). These questions are to help CVC gating process - they are not intended to gate anything on the Anuket release process:

  1. Are the test cases sufficiently well-implemented to cover RA/RM? Cédric Ollivier Anuket CNTT RC1 and Anuket CNTT RC2 (as in compliance and not release candidate) decide if the test case is well implemented to verify existing deployments
  2. Do the requirements meet the end-user needs? (operators must answer this) Cédric Ollivier It depends how end users leverage compliance verification or certification.

Cédric Ollivier EUG seems a better place if we want to evaluate the marketing value for a new badge. It's a CVC milestone or TSC rendez-vous, unlinked to the project release.

10 min
  • Update on Weekly Technical Discussion of the Charter
    • Charter Ready for Review by Legal
    • Operation procedures and Guidelines

Trevor Cooper added comments after it was sent to legal review, they are minor edits. But, incorporate now and send next week.

Operation procedure and guidelines.

  • Meaningful contribution discussion
  • "Should there be an operator quota?" as one of the main questions

Documents to comment on:

10 min
  • CLA – DCO Discussion
    • TSC DECISION: Does the TSC agree to use CLA in addition to the DCO?
Steve Winslow

Decision to include CLA needs to be decided before finalizing the charter. Both options are currently used (w/CLA or w/o).

CLA is based on Apache CCLA.  CLA helps the participating companies.

See: Anuket ICLA and CCLA

(some additional background  / FYI: https://opensource.com/article/18/3/cla-vs-dco-whats-difference)

Wiki Vote: ends next week 4/20

10 min
WS Leads and PTLs

5 min
  • Status Updates

    • Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status
    • LF IT/Infra update: (Aric GardnerTrevor Bramwell)

Trevor Bramwell

@ Aric Gardner

link to scheduled maintenance for Jenkins plugins this Friday the 16th at 8AM PST. Please follow the link and subscribe if you'd like notifications.

5 min

GSMA OPG reached out to OITF where RM is also published, working on alignments - may impact Anuket Arch.
0 min
  • AOB

Future Agenda Topics:

  • How do we figure out who are the WS stream leads AND PTLs in an automated way? Mark Beierl

Outstanding Action Items