2021-05-04 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2021-05-04 TSC Agenda and Minutes



  1. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  2. Al Morton  (AT&T)
  3. Cédric Ollivier
  4. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  5. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  6. Mark Beierl (Canonical)
  7. Frank Brockners (Cisco)
  8. Sridhar Rao  (Spirent)
  9. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  10. jie niu (China Mobile)
  11. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  12. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
  13. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  14. Emma Foley (Red Hat)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)

Other Attendees

  1. Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
  2. Scot Steele (AT&T)
  3. Karine Sevilla (Orange)
  4. David McBride
  5. Jim Baker
  6. Trevor Bramwell
  7. Heather Kirksey
  8. Ulrich Kleber
  9. Ildiko


5 min

Meeting Administration

  • Linux Foundation Anti-trust Policy
  • Agenda Bashing
  • Attendance/Quorum (11/15)
  • Approval of previous meeting minutes

5 min


Beth Cohen

Make sure to post your topic by May 14th! This will allow us to plan and schedule the workshop sessions.  Note if you are in a specific region (APAC, EMEA or NA) which will help us schedule you at a more reasonable time for the session.

The Workshop planning steering committee met on Friday April 30, 2021.  There will be opportunities for both interactive and pre-recorded sessions this time.

10 min
  • Proposal to publish RA-1 and RC-1 as GSMA documents
    • To widen the audience, reviewers and future contribution suppliers

There will be further comments off-line to allow people to understand better what is needed to move this forward.  Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated)will be contacted about any additional need for GSMA/LFN legal support by Heather Kirksey

Anuket RA1 and RC1 GSMA PRD.pptx

5 min
  • Strategic Planning committee Update
    • LFN IT and inputs needed for 2022 planning
Trevor CooperAWS has a program to give credits to LFN projects that need AWS resources ($25K/year).  Need to apply for it to get those credits. Need to find out more details about the program and if it is useful to Anuket project.  Want to have more awareness of the tools and programs available to LFN projects.   Potentially RA2 could use this resource.  Needs to be independent of the underlying infrastructure.  Interface speed is up to 100mbps – but that would be under ideal conditions.  Will need some time to review to see if there are any use cases.
10 min
  • Continue Release process discussions, Goals and Management
  • Meetings Resumed on April 23
  • Status of Self-Release Process in Kali (Discussed on April 30)
  • Kali Release Milestone dates
  • Release process meeting
David McBride

Updates.  Continues discussions of milestone 2 and 3.  Working on self release process.  Everyone is encouraged to attend the meetings to move the project forward.  Important work.  Kali Release is upcoming in June, so will likely only use this release partially for the Kali release.  We are not ready for using the new process fully for the June release, but hoping we will be able to use what we have.  Walter.kozlowskisays we should stick with the current Kali release dates.  Al Mortonsays we should continue to work on release process project.  Discussion of the release cadence.  David McBride We agreed to 2 releases per year earlier in the year.  Can we take what David McBridehas done and turn it into a calendar of milestones to meet the June release date.  The integrated process doesn't exist in a fully baked form.

10 min

Charter is with LF legal.  The operations doc is ready for legal review.  Encourage TSC members to add their comments to the operations and procedures doc.  Jim Bakerwill invite Legal to a meeting so we can figure out what is missing in the Charter – comment was that too much was moved out of the Charter.  Team needs to understand what that means.

10 min
WS Leads and PTLsLincoln Lavoieneeds to understand what resources are actually being used.
5 min
  • Status Updates

    • Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware
    • LF IT/Infra update: (Aric GardnerTrevor Bramwell)

Trevor Bramwell

@ Aric Gardner

  • LF Lab upgrade status
    Scheduled for Thursday, May 6th and all affected parties notified. Expect to be back online EOD Friday, May 7th. Working to get VPN credentials out to lab users.
  • LF IT/Infra update:
    Recieved Gitlab Ultimate subscription and applied it to  the gitlab.com/anuket organization.
    General templates for ReadTheDocs and Docker builds complete.
    Development of .gitlab-ci.yml files for projects is ongoing. Starting to submit completed files to some projects this week.
10 min

0 min
  • AOB

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