2021-04-20 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2021-04-20 TSC Agenda and Minutes

2021-04-20 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Al Morton  (AT&T)
  2. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  3. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  4. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  5. Frank Brockners (Cisco)
  6. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
  7. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  8. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  9. Sridhar Rao (Spirent)
  10. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  11. Mark Beierl (Canonical)
  12. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
  13. Jie Niu (representing Qiao FuChina Mobile)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Beth Cohen (Verizon) – Have a conflict with the Openinfra PTG will only attend for first 30 minutes.
  2. Emma Foley (Red Hat)

Other Attendees 

  1. Scot Steele (AT&T)
  2. Ulrich Kleber
  3. Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
  4. Jim Baker
  5. Pierre Lynch [Keysight]
  6. David McBride


5 min

Meeting Administration

  • Attendance: 10/15 (quorum reached)
  • TSC APPROVES last week's minutes
5 min


  • TSC AGREES that from Apr/27 onwards, TSC meetings will last 60 minutes (down from 90 minutes). Jim will update the invite accordingly.
  • Please register for the June virtual event.
5 min
  • Update on Marketing efforts
    • "Getting Started" materials
    • Extending the Ambassador Program (both telcos and vendors)
  • Marketing team met on Friday. There are updates wrt/ the ambassador program and the CVC program. No-one from marketing attended the TSC meeting, thus no further details available.
5 min
  • Continue Release process discussions, Goals and Management
  • Meeting CANCELED for Fri, April 16 (David OOO for the week)
    • Resume April 23
David McBride
  • Team will be working on "how"
  • Subject of backwards and forward compatibility to be addressed

5 min
  • 2nd version of the proposal was sent to LF legal: Comments received from LF legal. WIll require another round of changes/review (comment was, that there are too many specifics put into the charter, that might be better residing in other documents).
  • Operation procedures doc is still evolving (please add your comments). Key questions include:
    • What qualifies for an active contributor? (initial proposal exists)
    • Operator quota on the TSC? (TBD)
    • Size of the TSC? (TBD)
  • Suggestion is to make discussions on Monday's focused on a specific topic/question/chapter and pre-announce this as part of the agenda distribution. That should allow folks interested in a particular topic to attend.
10 min

Steve Winslow


  • TSC AGREES to extend the vote to Apr/27, 7am PT
10 min
WS Leads and PTLs
  • RM, RA-1, RA-2 working to the schedule for Kali
  • RI-1 has several PRs outstanding from review perspective (especially PDF 2.0). Ask for reviewers
5 min
  • Status Updates

    • Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status
    • LF IT/Infra update: (Aric GardnerTrevor Bramwell)

Trevor Bramwell

@ Aric Gardner

No updates in the meeting

5 min

  • Next week: GSMA NG meetings, OITF#7 is on 26 April (alignments between RM and Operator Platform Group)
  • Open Infra PTG is ongoing as we speak
0 min
  • AOB

Future Agenda Topics:

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