2021-04-27 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2021-04-27 TSC Agenda and Minutes



  1.  Al Morton(AT&T)
  2. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  3. Frank Brockners (Cisco)
  4. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  5. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  6. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  7. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
  8. Sridhar Rao  (Spirent)
  9. jie niu(China Mobile) - for Qiao Fu
  10. Mark Beierl (Canonical)
  11. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  12. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  13. Trevor Cooper (Intel)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  2. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)

Other Attendees 

  1.  Scot Steele(AT&T)
  2. Jim Baker
  3. Pankaj.Goyal
  4. Ildiko
  5. Ulrich Kleber
  6. David McBride
  7. Toshi Wakayama
  8. James Gu


5 min

Meeting Administration

Al Morton
  • Attendance quorum reached (9/15)
  • No addition to agenda.
  • TSC APPROVES the minutes of the TSC meeting last week
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Al Morton
  • Virtual Event:
    • Please get your proposals for topics in by Friday, May/14.
10 min
  • Fu Qiao stepping-down as China Mobile representative and member of the TSC.
    • Fu Qiao has nominated Jie Niu (China Mobile) to fill the vacant seat (one of the 7 seats filled by CNTT participants)
    • TSC Action: Does the TSC agree to accept and approve this Nomination? Approved

  • Discussion of Fu Qiao stepping down.  She recommends that Jie Niu as her replacement.  Some concern with the old charter with new, which is not approved yet.  Resolved amicably.
  • The TSC APPROVED Jie Niu replacing Fu Qiao as TSC member and welcomes Jie Niu to the Anuket TSC.
5 min
  • Continue Release process discussions, Goals and Management
  • Meetings Resumed on April 23
  • Status of Self-Release Process in Kali
David McBride
established what and when (calendar) - now need criteria for milestones.
Discuss Self Release process on April 30
Wiki page for processes:

10 min

Size of the TSC :

  • Others do some dynamic scaling algorithms for size
  • Proposal:  change to 9 – ratio of number of TSC members to active contributors, make smaller to become a more nimble TSC.
  • Do need to have follow up discussion on telecom/vendor ratio on the TSC as the former CNTT fades into the past.
  • Al Morton More is better for community involvement, more volunteers
  • There is some support for reducing the TSC size (Cédric Ollivierand Mark Beierl voiced support), Walter.kozlowski noted that the current size has not impacted the TSC ability to make decisions.  No action at this time
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WS Leads and PTLs

Lincoln Lavoie will set up a meeting Pod resources

Al Morton RM on Storage Telemetry

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  • Status Updates

    • Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status
    • LF IT/Infra update: (Aric GardnerTrevor Bramwell)

Trevor Bramwell

@ Aric Gardner

No report this week - please send e-mail if you have something!!!

5 min

Big 2 weeks in GSMA Network group

  • alignment with OPG and RM, also security group many people outside Anuket
  • Also RA-1 Alignment, thanks to Pankaj.Goyal request fromOPG to help with virtualization

Ulrich Kleber no Panel for Open Source at ETSI Evolution event.  In ISG discussion, just a few slides at Plenary

PTG Ildiko  List of Etherpads to catch-up http://ptg.openstack.org

http://openinfra.live 1 hour INTERACTIVE event to catch-up on the event overview, also avaliable on YouTube (later)

Edge discussions were interesting - worth a look

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  • AOB