2021-09-07 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2021-09-07 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Al Morton  (AT&T)
  2. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  3. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  4. Frank Brockners (Cisco)
  5. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  6. Saad Alqahtani (STC) ( proxy for Ahmed El Sawaf (STC) )
  7. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  8. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  9. Sridhar Rao  (Spirent)
  10. jie niu (China Mobile)
  11. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
  12. Trevor Cooper(Intel)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  2. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)

Proxy Allocations

  1. TSC AGREED to have Saad Alqahtani serve as proxy for Ahmed El Sawaf for a duration of 6 weeks (until Sept 14).

Other Attendees 

  1. Scot Steele (Microsoft)
  2. David McBride (LFN)
  3. Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) (LFN)


5 min
  • Quorum reached (11/14)
  • Agenda approved by TSC
  • TSC APPROVED the minutes of the TSC meeting on Aug/31

5 min


  • Reminder to register for ONE Summit. Per the annoucement last week, the event is virtual only. Folks who registered for in-person attendance will be refunded.
5 min
  • Active contributor list (Anuket Active Community Members - 2022) exists but is draft and in discussions. Still needs some clean-up (folks listed twice, some criteria missing (confluence, git commits, etc.) - also hints at the need to further evolve LFX/LF-Insights.
  • Sandra will work with LF-IT to enhance the list (commits, confluence stats and duplicate names to be updated).
  • Suggestion: Extend active contributor list review until  , and have it overlapping with the nomination period. 
    TSC APPROVES the updated election calendar per the suggestion above.
    Updated calendar:
5 min
  • Issues for the TSC election are similar to what has been discussed for Mark's replacement (see above).
15 min
Release Updates 

Release meeting is on hiatus until October

New release names for M and N need to be chosen by the end of the month. Suggestion from Al to eventually twist the continent scheme a bit and consider Nile for N - links really nicely to Anuket.

5 min
  • RC1 and RC2 WS Lead positions are Vacant: Recruiting Now!

2 min
  •  Feedback from TAC meeting
    • LFN IT support role to be filled in the EMEA time zone
    • TAC is seeking projects' feedback related to the operations of LFN IT

Walter.kozlowski says that there has been no feedback on the linked page.

5 min
  • PTL and WSL Stand-up

Al Morton  and sub-project Leaders

Walter.kozlowski RM making progress

Sridhar Rao What is the plan for publishing release artifacts in Docker Hub? Need to discuss on Release meeting (back-on for this week).

5 min
  • GitLab update (defer to )
    • "DOCS project to gerrit" request status - Complete!


5 min
  • Status Updates

    • Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status
    • LF IT/Infra update: (Trevor Bramwell)

5 min

0 min


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