2021-10-26 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2021-10-26 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  2. Frank Brockners (Cisco)
  3. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  4. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  5. Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  6. Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
  7. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  8. Al Morton (AT&T)
  9. jie niu (China Mobile)
  10. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  11. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  12. Sridhar Rao  (Spirent)
  13. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
  2. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)

Other Attendees 

  1. Scot Steele (Microsoft)
  2. Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
  3. Ildiko(OIF)
  4. Lincoln Lavoie
  5. David McBride (LFN)
  6. Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) (LFN)


5 min

Comments about the purpose and treatment of recordings of the meetings.  No changes to the agenda.  Thank you Ildikofor the suggestion for adding a statement about the nature of the recordings.

Previous minutes approved as written.

5 min



LFN Developer & Testing Forum, Jan 10-13, 2022

5 min 
  • Update on Annual LFN Board Meeting Review
Al Morton

Anuket was well positioned during the board meeting.  Used the Anuket materials as a template for the other projects.  There were discussions related to staffing of some of the workstreams (RC2).  Will be follow up with Arpit, Heather and Al.  Not much comment on Anuket Assured program.  It is important to be really clear about you need from the board and LFN in general to keep the programs and projects going.  

The Anuket marketing team needs to be aware of the upcoming Lakelse release to be better prepared for the PR needed.

10 min
Vote now.  Voting closes Friday October 29th.  Once elections are completed, then the nominations for two co-chair seats will open on the 29th.  
10 min 

One more round of comments requested so that the team can review for Wednesday's regular meeting so everything can be ready to be voted on by the TSC meeting next week.

5 min
Release Updates
The Release meetings are looking for a new time.  The meeting is not a regular meeting.   Useful for the PTLs to help with their release activities.  Need to find EU friendly times that work for the US West Coast (always a problem).
10 min
  • CCC updates
    •  Lakelse Prelim Doc meeting Held
      • Parth, Sridhar to provide links to documentation
      • No path forward for RC2
    • Reminder - Technical Conference -January 2022

Scot Steelemet with several workstream leaders to get feed back on the gaps.  The biggest gap is the lack of a leader or activity in the RC2 workstream.  Cédric Ollivieris keeping up with some of the docs, but mostly the project is dormant.  The docs do need to be updated by tying them into the work that is being done in functest.  

docs.anuket.io should not be only a redirect to https://docs.opnfv.org/ , but should be something more permanent.  The CCC will take this up to address the issue of clean up of old names (CNTT, OPNFV)  More https://docs.opnfv.org/en/latest/ that need to be fixed.

Change the favicon from OPNFV to Anuket.  <<< This has been done  on the page  - see below.

Not here:

this might have got lost when moving back from Gitlab to gerrit, because all commits had to manually cherry-picked...

Beth - The name of the DOCS repo is "opnfvdocs", no one sees the name of the repo on the Read-the-docs pages.

Scot Steeleand Beth Cohenwill ask for the wikipages to gather conference session proposals for the upcoming virtual technical – January 2022.  

The above is what Al is talking about - I see the browser tab now, it's possible that is stored in your browser - and it doesn't get cleared or changed automatically.

Georg Kunz and Al Morton changed the favicon in two places...

Did you change the icon (https://docs.opnfv.org/en/stable-kali/_static/anuket-logo.png) or the favicon (view-source:https://docs.opnfv.org/en/stable-kali/_static/favicon.ico)?

(Place to volunteer to help in the md to rst conversion: Convert Anuket specifications to rst)

10 min

Walter.kozlowski and sub-project Leaders

5 min
  • GitLab update 
    • EasyCLA support
  • EasyCLA team still working with GitLab to improve performance before beta testing.
5 min
  • LF IT/Infra update: (Trevor Bramwell)

Status Updates

  • No Infra updates
5 min

No technical updates.  Will post links to the PTG recordings and notes to the Anuket mailing list.

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