2022-05-03 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2022-05-03 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Beth Cohen (Verizon, Co-Chair)
  2. Scot Steele(Microsoft)
  3. Al Morton (AT&T)
  4. Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
  5. Karine Sevilla(Orange)
  6.  Gergely Csatari (Nokia, Co-Chair)
  7. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  8. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  9. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  10. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  11. Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)  
  12. Trevor Cooper (Intel)

Absent (TSC)

  1. jie niu (China Mobile)
  2. Sridhar Rao
  3. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)

Other Attendees 

Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)

Other Attendees 



Meeting Administration

  • Linux Foundation Anti-trust Policy
  • TSC Meetings are recorded! The recordings are retained to help fill gaps in the minutes until approval (1 week).
  • Agenda Bashing
  • Attendance/Quorum (11/15_)
  • Approval of previous meeting minutes 2022-04-26 TSC Agenda and Minutes
Nephio Google new project to discuss.  Added to agenda


  • Events
  • June Developer Event - In-person - Porto, Portugal
  • CNCF Telco Cloud Day - In-person - Valencia, Spain
  • ONE Summit in November
  • Seattle Nov 14-18 
  • DTF in November
  • Seattle Nov 19-20

Other announcements

  • CVC Chair Elections: comments
  • We need topics for Porto. Please go to the link and add topics as soon as possible.
  • CVC elections are over. Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) will send an announcement mail later today
2 min
  • Elections in progress.  Please vote until   
5 min
  • Beth Cohen finished the edits last week.  Approved for the GB presentation
  • Julia Language is a person who is contributing.
  • Beth Cohen removed the contributions by line diagram
  • The Slides are complete and ready for presentation by Beth Cohenand Gergely Csatari
5 min
Lei Huang
2 min
  • Archiving Airship installer

Scot Steelework to be completed week of May 16 

Impacts may be seen in PRs - Cédric Ollivierhas been resolving these. 

5 min
Release Updates
  • Moselle 

Note from David McBride

I’m at a LF event this week, so I’m unable to join you for the TSC meeting. However, since, Moselle M3 is scheduled this week, I wanted to provide a recommendation on approving the milestone.

As you know, M3 was rescheduled to allow time for VinePerf and RI2 to complete their requirements. Last week, Dan Xu emailed the TSC to let you know that the requirements for RI2 for M3 have been completed. 

I believe that VinePerf has completed its requirements, as well, but we still need confirmation from the PTL, Al Morton. 

Assuming that Al confirms that the requirements have been met, then I recommend that the TSC approve the milestone. If not, then I recommend that the TSC approve the milestone, with the condition that the remaining open requirements be completed by M4. 

Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll return to the TSC meeting next week. 

M3 milestone approved. Note that Airship needs to be archived.

5 min
  • GSMA needs Word docs, discussing changing to PDF and updating the processes in general.  Need to include tables and diagrams in the docs directly, rather than linking them. Needs to be done on the Anuket side.  Some decisions are on the GSMA side.
  • Please review these pr-s:
  • RM
  • RA2:
2 min
  • CCC updates
  • Review of CLA legal text and get sign off from participating companies
    • Feedback from LF on the concerns of TSC member companies to the CLA text

Working on the CLA with Sandra Jackson (Deactivated).  Otherwise the docs component has moved to another taskforce.  CCC seems to have done its job and will likely not continue on a regular basis.

2 min 
  • Marketing Update

No updates.
2 min
  • PTL and WSL Stand-up

Sub-project Leaders

From Thoth project.  Needed the Julia Language for the Jupiter Notebooks output.  Gergely Csatarithinks we should not retain the outputs before submitting the patches.  Julia Language is a group of students who worked together.  Recommendation is to provide individual contributions individually.

5 min

Beth Cohensent a note asking to suspend the EUAG for the time being.

Walter.kozlowskiGSMA NG126 is the RM Moselle release.  NG133 based on RA1 and RC1.  Target 9 sept 2022.  

Gergely Csatarino updates from CNCF

1 minAOB: 
  • Open question about how new NEPHIO project relates to ONAP / testing.
  • CVC

Please join the CVC meets 10AM ET on Mondays.
NEPHIO needs more information from project team.  Copyright ©️ Nephio Project a Series of LF Projects, LLC. For web site terms of use, trademark policy and other project policies please see https://lfprojects.org.  Have someone from the NEPHIO project talk to the TSC about the project. 
What is Sonic and how is it related to Anuket?  Need to look at.  Sonic is network OS so makes sense to go under LFN.  Where is it currently?  LF or LFN?  Need to research it.