2022-08-23 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2022-08-23 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Beth Cohen (Verizon, Co-Chair)
  2. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  3. Scot Steele(Microsoft)
  4. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  5. Karine Sevilla(Orange) 
  6. Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
  7. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  8. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  9. Gergely Csatari (Nokia, Co-Chair)
  10. jie niu (China Mobile)
  11. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  12. Trevor Cooper (Intel)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Al Morton (AT&T)
  2.  Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  3. Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)  

Other Attendees 

  1. David McBride 
  2. Kenny Paul 
  3. Sridhar Rao 
  4. Ildiko 






5 min

Agenda Bashing Cédric Ollivier 

  • skip lf-build5 to verify jobs (any job verification fails as virtualenv is not pinned in lf releng)

    • A: Kenny Paul  to invite someone from the LFN releng team to discuss the interaction model between Anuket developers and LFN releng. (Issues vs credentials)
    • Cédric Ollivier we could have updated Jenkins architecture to benefit from Kubernetes as provider.
    • Cédric Ollivier ticket after ticket doesn't work for regular updates. The community could help here.
  • osuosl's vpn is fully obsolete and asks for OpenVPN 2.4 (Debian's old stable)
  • please see the review of Active Anuket repos

Discussion about issues that need to be addressed.  Need to update tools so that we will not have a verification failure. Does a ticket need to be opened to fix the issue in lfn releng?

Cédric Ollivier will see about updating to OpenVPN.

Need to remove inactive projects in Gitlab, Cédric Ollivier recommends sending note to tech list to ask to remove projects that are no longer active.

2 min


5 min
Release Updates
  • Nile Release
    • M2 is scheduled for Sept 13.
  • Stable/Moselle patches
    • 2022-07-26: Unmerged patches in the Moselle release that need to be completed.  Patches were in place in time.  Fabio needs to do the merge. Sandra Jackson will talk to Fabio to complete the task.
    • Moving of Moselle release in the CNTT repo
  • Update of Anuket website
  • Update of Anuket website
    • David McBride will reach out for someone LF staff who can update the website
    • Cédric Ollivier ODL uses a method when the community manages the webpage. A documentation team in Anuket could manage the site.
    • Unmerged Moselle patches: Issue solved
    • Moselle release in CNTT repo

20 min
  • GitLab update 
    • EasyCLA support - Issue appears to be resolved.
    • There are still some challenges to moving forward with the conversion to the new tools.  The decision has been postponed to be revisited in the new year by the new TSC.  Needs more discussion and consideration on how to move forward.
    • Anuket specification sub-projects (cntt-n/cntt) to decide if they move to GitLab or stay in GitHub
  • GitLab
    • Last year TSC decided to not move forward with GitLab
    • It is up to every sub-project to decide on the code management platform
    • Cédric Ollivier Software projects clearly stated in previous that they prefer Gerrit as review management (only Kuberef tried Gitlab)
  • Anuket specfication sub-projects (cntt-n/cntt) 
    • Stay on GitHub, move to GitLab or move to Gerrit
    • Cédric Ollivier we could also split the CNTT specification tree in multiple git repositories if needed (possible now)
    • Cédric Ollivier Be careful about backward compatibility if we switched to something else (Gergely Csatari mentionned that renaming would work thanks to Github features)
    • Think about which option your sub-project prefers and we will decide in the next TSC meeting

2 minGergely Csatari 

Still need direction from @Fabio

Redirect issue was fixed.

It should redirect to the readthedocs project, A: Gergely Csatari to create a new issue to LF IT

2 min
  • New time for the Weekly Tech Discuss meetings
Gergely Csatari 

2 min
  • CCC updates
    • Docs Project: revamp and develop a consistent place and process to manage documentation.

No Updates

2 min

Sub-project Leaders

5 min

1 minAOB


Meeting Administration

Outstanding Action Items