Anuket Project

Proposal to Update OPNFV Lifecycle to Include Project Reactivation

The purpose of this document is to propose a new section to the project lifecycle page that will provide direction regarding the reactivation of a project that was previously approved in OPNFV, then later terminated.

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Reactivation Review

A project that was previously approved by the OPNFV TSC, then later terminated, may be reactivated, as follows:

  • Proposal posted for two weeks to the TSC mailing list:
    • Project contact name and email
    • Identify any changes to the scope of the original project proposal.
    • Justify reactivating the project, including discussing why the project was terminated and what has changed.
    • Explain what the project intends to accomplish if it is reactivated.
    • Resources committed
    • Contributors identified
    • Initial list of committer identified (elected/proposed by initial contributors)
    • Meets BoD policy (IPR)
    • Proposal has been socialized with potentially interested or affected projects and/or parties
    • In the case where a project will require changes in other projects, those projects are listed in the proposal, and a sponsoring developer in the project has been identified
  • Review by TSC: Confirm that the proposal is complete and the above listed requirements are met.
  • Simple majority approval by voting TSC members

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