Anuket Project

Improvements to TSC Meeting Record Keeping

Problem Statement

There is a lot of information that is exchanged and presented in the TSC meeting which is not captured anywhere.  This page is to track conversation and ideas around how to improve record keeping in the TSC meeting.

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Recording of Zoom Meetings

Include audio, video and audio transcript.  All conversations and slides are captured, resulting in 100% capture of information.

Temporary Recording of Zoom Meetings to obtain searchable text transcript, otherwise same as current practice.

Delete audio, and video immediately after storing Text transcript of audio using speech recognition.  IRC used to capture key discussion and decision points, as is now. IRC minutes are the official minutes which will be approved at the next TSC meetings.  Slides will be stored on the TSC Meeting page. Text transcript available only to TSC members.

Move to IRC Only

All information is exchanged in writing in IRC.  No slides or conversations can occur without being placed in IRC, resulting in 100% capture of information.