Anuket Project
TSC Meeting Minutes Archive (2016)
Former user (Deleted)
December 20, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Purchasing a new switch for LF POD 4 & 5: Trevor Bramwell, Rudy Grigar
- Project creation review: Project Proposals Rescuer
- Scenario consolidation: Ulrich Kleber
Tech discuss forum trial (based on Discourse): Former user (Deleted)[Postponed to January 10th]- Danube planning and activities: David McBride
- Call for Expertise Specialist Task Force STF BE (TC NFV) on Identification of Gaps between ETSI NFV requirements and Open Stack APIs: Pierre Lynch
- Previous minutes approved
- Purchasing a new switch for LF POD 4 & 5: Rudy re-capped his previous email on the topic. The total purchase price including the switch, support (for 3 years), and shipping is under $5,500. The LF team is also familiar with the product. The TSC agreed to move forward with the purchase. Rudy will also check if existing cables (for the current 1GBE switch) can be used for the new switch.
- Project creation review for Rescuer: Howard and Leon presented the project proposal. The project's aim is to deal with application data loss and the initial focus will be data protection on the VIM. There were questions if the project is just protecting OPNFV data/metrics that is collected, and the response was that the goal is to go beyond test data/metric protection and provide a generic recovery service. There were also suggestions to start doing the initial work (e.g. for gathering requirements/use cases) under the HA project plus recruit additional committers from other companies/organizations. The project team agreed to start their work as part of the HA project in the next 3 months and come back to the TSC for creation review after the Danube release. Edgar took an action item to coordinate a conversation with the HA team.
- Scenario consolidation: Since time was short, Uli suggested postponing the discussion to the next TSC call.
- Danube planning and priorities: David McBride noted that there's no update from Movie & Orchestra projects on Milestone 2. Upcoming milestones in January are MS 5 (scenario integration and feature freeze on Jan. 13th) and MS 6 (test cases implemented/preliminary documentation/stable branch open on Jan. 26th).
- Call for expertise from ETSI to identify gaps between ETSI NFV requirements and Open Stack APIs: Gergely and Pierre discussed the Call for Expertise from ETSI to identify gaps between OpenStack APIs and two ETSI specs. The deadline to volunteer is January 26th and more details can be found in this document.
- Compliance/Verification Program document follow-up: Ray noted that the CVP document was sent to TSC members only as this is not a public document. The feedback from the TSC was due by 5pm Pacific Time on December 14th. Chris Donely collated feedback from TSC and End User Advisory Group prior to sending the program document (along with action items/plans) to the Board.
- There will be no TSC meeting next week, and regular calls will resume on January 3, 2017.
MeetBot Minutes
December 13, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- TSC meetings around the holidays
- December Board meeting updates: Former user (Deleted)
- Plugfest/Hackfest wrap-up: Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride
- Danube priorities discussion: Former user (Deleted)
- Common configuration file and scenario naming: Fatih Degirmenci, Former user (Deleted), Ulrich Kleber
see also: - Project creation review
- Purchasing a new switch for LF POD 4 & 5: Trevor Bramwell, Rudy Grigar
- Previous minutes approved
- TSC meetings around the holidays: TSC meeting will be held on December 20th, but will be cancelled for December 27th. Regular meetings will resume on January 3rd. The weekly release meeting will follow the same pattern as the TSC meeting.
- December Board meeting update: Tapio provided an update from the December 8th Board meeting. The TSC budget has been approved and as a result of the Compliance/Verification Program (CVP) discussion, the latest CVP documentation was sent to TSC members for feedback by 5pm Pacific Time on December 14th.
- Plugfest/Hackfest wrap-up: Ray noted that there were 70 attendees from 23 organizations at the Plugfest/Hackfest. There will also be a Plugfest whitepaper with a target date of late January'2017.
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride noted that Colorado 3.0 released last week. Upcoming milestones for Danube are Scenario integration and feature freeze (MS5) and test cases implemented/preliminary documentation/stable branch open (MS6). David is also following up on Movie and Orchestra teams for MS2 and Compass and Daisy teams for MS3.
- Danube priorities discussion: Morgan noted that main priorities identified for Danube are CI, Testing, and documentation. The placeholder theme/tagline suggested by Morgan for Danube is "Real CI Ready". There is also a section on future releases (after Danube), and community members are encouraged to contribute to the page. A comment was made that release priorities discussions should start sooner and a question was raised what is the impact of priorities decision. Morgan noted that one of the impact could be on milestones definitions (e.g. with additional criteria) or resource requests could be made to the Board. There was a consensus to give community members ~2 weeks to review and have TSC to vote on the priorities on January 3rd.
- Common configuration file and scenario naming: Uli discussed the goal of common configuration files and noted that an agreement was reached on common configuration files during the Plugfest/Hackfest. There were suggestions of doing a proof-of-concept for validation plus looking at what the OpenStack community is doing. Jack also noted that the pod descriptor file is on Gerrit and asked for community feedback. This will again be revisited on the January 3rd TSC call. There was also a quick discussion on scenario consolidation, and as time was short the discussion will resume next week.
- Project Proposals OpenRetriever: Xuan presented the proposal that aims to create a platform to manage containers and VMs (and also allow VNFs to run on a set of containers/VMs). Of three modes to integrate container with OpenStack, the OpenRetreiver team is proposing to use Container Orchestrator Engine with Kubernetes and OpenStack-Newton. OpenRetriver will not participate in the Danube release, but there will be development activities in the next few months. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved project creation for OpenRetriever.
MeetBot Minutes
December 6, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- 2017 Events plan: Brandon Wick
- Updates from the Plugfest/Hackfest: Former user (Deleted)
- December Board meeting agenda: Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride
- Purchasing a new switch for LF POD 4 & 5: Trevor Bramwell
- Previous minutes approved
- A new sysadmin from LF Rudy Grigar was introduced to the community
- 2017 events plan: Brandon Wick shared the tentative 2017 events plan. 3 major events for the technical community are Plugfests (with co-located Hackfests) and the Design Summit. The target for the next Plugfest is late April'17 and Orange (France) is the potential host. There was a good discussion on IETF participation, and suggestions were made to look into hackfest/hackathon opportunities with MEF and BBF.
- Updates from the Plugfest: As of Tuesday morning, 60 people from 21 companies are attending the Plugfest exceeding the numbers from the first Plugfest in May.
- December Board meeting agenda: Tapio shared the draft presentation for the December Board meeting when he will be giving updates on Colorado/Danube releases, action items for OPNFV Architecture and Danube priorities, etc. There was a good discussion on the proliferation of scenarios and one proposal to reduce the number of scenarios is to merge the HA and non-HA scenarios.
- Colorado + Danube planning activities: Colorado 3.0 software downloads page is scheduled to go live on December 8th. For Danube, a few projects are behind on MS2 milestone and David McBride is following up with PTLs. David is also working with the Daisy installer project team as that installer has an impact on other projects such as Escalator.
- New switch for LF POD 4 & 5: There was a suggestion to also provide support costs for switches and the LF team will come back with an update.
MeetBot Minutes:
November 29, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Plugfest/Hackfest update: Former user (Deleted)
- Quick review of schedule/topics
- Incl. a quick discussion on ETSI Plugtest in Jan'2017
- Proposed Developer Collaboration budget for FY2017: Former user (Deleted)
- Goals and Vision for the Danube release: Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride
- GoToMeeting setup + meetings wiki page: Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved.
- Plugfest/Hackfest update: Ray gave a reminder that the registration deadline for Plugfest/Hackfest is December 1st. In addition, ETSI Plugtest will be in January and OPNFV member companies are encouraged participate. There was a consensus to discuss future collaboration with ETSI after their Plugtest event.
- Proposed Developer Collaboration budget: Ray gave an overview of the proposed budget for 2017. Most items are similar to the previous year with some increases in items such as internship to accommodate more interns. There are new spending items such as Documentation Consultant and Travel Assistance. There was a question on Travel Assistance and Ray noted that this is for interns and other key people from industry/upstream communities. There was a good discussion on OPNFV events plan in 2017 and Ray suggested inviting Brandon Wick to future TSC call to provide an update.
- Goals and Vision for the Danube release: Morgan discussed progress so far from various working groups (e.g. Infra & Testing ). Tapio took an action item to start a wiki page on Danube priorities and a group including Tapio, Morgan, Uli, Dave Neary, Rosella, and Cecilia will work on priorities for the Danube release with the target of mid/end of December.
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: Dave noted that there are milestones for Colorado (wrap-up test/docs for 3.0) plus Danube (installer/OpenStack integration) this week. For Colorado 3.0, the goal is to have the software downloads page updated by December 8th.
- Meetings discussion: There was a good discussion on setting up a single recurring meeting for each technical project GotoMeeting accounts plus cleaning up the meetings wiki page. Ray took an action item to give community members a 2-3 weeks advance notice on single recurring meetings and start looking at meetings wiki page clean-up opportunities. There was also a good discussion on staying with Pacific Time vs. using UTC for scheduling meetings and Ray will start another email discussion on this topic.
MeetBot Minutes:
November 22, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Plugfest/Hackfest reminder: Former user (Deleted)
- Incl. a quick discussion on ETSI Plugtest in Jan'2017
- Common configuration file and scenario naming: Former user (Deleted)
- Goals and Vision for the Danube release: Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride
- Previous minutes approved
- Hackfest/Plugfest update: Ray noted that the registration deadline for the Plugfest/Hackfest is December 1st. So far 70+ people are registered representing ~25 companies/organizations. Three companies are brining hardware plus at least three more companies are making their hardware available remotely. Uli made a suggestion that Hackfest sessions could be scheduled Tuesday-Thursday so that people that are participating in the Hackfest-only can avoid traveling on weekends.
- Common configuration file and scenario naming: Jack noted that more time is needed to gather community feedback on the topic and there could be a session during the Hackfest. The current discussion can be found at
Frank made a suggestion that it may be a good idea to get agreements from all installer project PTLs before coming to the TSC, but Uli noted that not all installer maybe able to implement the proposal right away. - Goals and vision for Danube: Morgan started an etherpad on the topic, and so far the discussion have taken place at the Test WG and other WGs are encouraged to start/continue the conversation. There is an action item for the TSC to provide an update to the Board during the December Board meeting.
- Colorado + Danube release planning: David McBraide notes that the test milestone for Danube is today plus Colorado 3.0 is release coming up on December 5th and he will be following up with some of the PTLs. David also discussed the recent survey on OpenStack releases to be used for upcoming OPNFV releases and there is a consensus from the PTLs that Danube should be based on OpenStack-Newton. Via IRC vote, the TSC agreed that the Danube release will be based on OpenStack-Newton. David also added that the Daisy team is reporting issues with CI integration so projects dependent on Daisy should plan accordingly. Scenarios participating in Colorado 3.0 should be reflected in
- JIRA Federation: Aric noted that there is no documentation on JIRA Federation so it is difficult to make any progress on federation between OPNFV and Aric took an action item to contact Atllassian to make an inquiry on JIRA federation including work scope & costs (if any).
- There was a discussion on setting up a single recurring meeting in two GoToMeeting accounts and making it easier to make meeting updates on the wiki page (sometime requires making updates in 4 different places). Ray took an action item to continue the conversation on the mailing list.
MeetBot Minutes:
November 15, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Goals & vision for the Danube release - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- OpenStack - Ocata release
Meeting Minutes
- Previous minutes approved
- Former user (Deleted) announces that Colorado 2.0 download page is live
- Goals and Vision for Danube release
- Former user (Deleted) says that he has not received feedback on his presentation and asks how do we make a decision about CI Evolution.
- Former user (Deleted) notes that the presentation covers multiple topics, besides CI Evolution. Bryan would like to address each issue, separately.
- Former user (Deleted) would like the TSC to vote to support CI Evolution in order to add weight to a request to the board for additional resources
- Discussion about the OPNFV "reference platform"
- Former user (Deleted) asks how we define the term "reference platform"
- Former user (Deleted) asserts that OPNFV has multiple reference platforms
- Former user (Deleted) says: "Thus not a single/unified platform but a flexible toolbox of tested platform components"
- Former user (Deleted) says that other working groups / projects should develop their own lists of priorities
- Agreement that each project/WG should develop their own list of priorities
- Former user (Deleted) cautions that we don't want OPNFV projects competing with each other
- Former user (Deleted) takes an action to start a wiki page for documenting priorities
- Release planning
- Discussion about which versions of OpenStack will be integrated with OPNFV Danube and "E-release"
- Proposal is:
- OPNFV Danube to be based on OpenStack Newton (current release)
- OPNFV E-release to be based on OpenStack Pike
- OpenStack Ocata would be skipped
- David McBride has sent a survey to the project leads. Please complete by Nov 21, noon (PST)
- Former user (Deleted) says that the Functest project has committed to supporting OpenStack Newton for the OPNFV Danube release cycle.
- There is a reference to the OPNFV upstream project roadmap. However, it does not appear to have been updated.
- David McBride takes an action to update the roadmap page.
- David McBride takes an action to update the roadmap page.
- Discussion about which versions of OpenStack will be integrated with OPNFV Danube and "E-release"
- Meeting scheduling
- There is some confusion about meeting times.
- PST vs. UTC
- Interference between meetings when using a shared GTM account
- Former user (Deleted) proposes a single always-available meeting per account
- Action to David McBride to propose a solution
- There is some confusion about meeting times.
MeetBot Minutes
November 8, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Plugfest/Hackfest update - Lincoln Lavoie, Former user (Deleted)
- Continuing graduation reviews discussion - Former user (Deleted)
- Common configuration file and scenario naming - Fatih Degirmenci, Former user (Deleted)
- Goals & vision for the Danube release - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- Colorado 2.0 timeline
- OpenStack-Ocata release date
Meeting Minutes
- Previous minutes approved
- Plugfest/Hackfest update: Lincoln noted that members from 15+ organizations have registered for the Plugfest and 5 companies will provide hardware resources (4 on-site and 1 remotely via VPN). An update has been made to the planning page and participants are encouraged to add/schedule topics. There was a good discussion on what information can be shared after the event without violating the Rules of Engagement (ROE) and the general consensus was that hackfest-related discussions and outcomes can be shared publicly.
- Graduation reviews and discussions: Ray proposed to continue this conversation in person when community members get together for the Plugfest. Ray took an action item to schedule and add it to the plugfest/hackfest planning page.
- Common configuration file and scenario naming: Jack summarized the discussion that started in Barcelona and noted that the current scenario naming convention needs to be improved. So far there has not been a lot of feedback/objections from the community on proposed items in Gerritt. Questions were raised if this really is going to be scalable going forward especially when similar attempts in the past have not been successful. There was also a discussion if an approach should be taken to force people to adopt this convention in order to be part of Danube. Jack took an action item to collect additional feedback and come back to the TSC in two weeks with a proposal.
- Goals & vision for the Danube release: Morgan went over his draft presentation and discussed the need to better articulate OPNFV both internally and externally. There was a good discussion on if we are giving up on building a reference platform and the desire to continue the discussion via mailing list.
MeetBot Minutes
November 1, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Reminder on ending of the Summer (Europe)/Daylight Savings (US) time - Former user (Deleted)
- Board meeting update - Former user (Deleted)
- Termination review for Resource Scheduler - Mingjiang Li
- Graduation reviews - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- Colorado 2.0 timeline
- OpenStack-Ocata release date & future OpenStack Summits
Meeting Minutes:
- Previous minutes approved
- Ray gave a quick reminder to the community that the Summer Time ended this Europe this past weekend and the Daylight Saving Time ends in N. America this coming weekend, so people need to adjust meeting times accordingly.
- Board meeting update: Tapio gave an update from the October 28th Board meeting. The meeting kicked off with an update from the End User Advisory Group before proceeding with the joint TSC-Board meeting. First a sample project health metrics were discussed, then Bryan Sullivan presented an update from the MANO Working Group. Tapio led the discussion on the OPNFV Architecture, and there is an action item to discuss goals and vision for the Danube release as a follow-up to the architecture discussion in the December Board meeting. Chris/Frank discussed collaboration opportunities with other networking projects in the LF (e.g., ODL, etc.) and they will be starting conversations with the Boards of other projects to come back to OPNFV with a proposal. During the Certification & Compliance Committee report out, there was a consensus that there needs to be better alignment with other testing projects. For the Strategic Planning Committee, a decision was made to dissolve the committee. Other discussions were on OPNFV values & goals plus membership engagement. On the OPNFV architecture, there was a good discussion on getting to the next level of detail and how the community can collaborate on this. Tapio took an action item create a wiki page to start and will make an announcement on the mailing list.
- Termination review for Resource Scheduler (RS): Mingjiang discussed the original motivation for RS but noted that it has not been active since during the Brahmaputra release. So far no coding/documentation work has been done and a better home for this project maybe OpenStack. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved terminating the Resource Scheduler project.
- Graduation reviews: Ray noted that as OPNFV matures we should turn our attention to graduation reviews for our mature projects like functest and pharos. All projects in OPNFV today are in an "incubation phase" and some of our projects would seem to qualify for graduation reviews. The process for the graduation review is outlined in the Project Lifecycle page, and there was a discussion on what it means for a project to be in a "mature" stage. Ray took an action item to continue this discussion on the mailing list.
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride notes that there was a discussion last week to postpone the Colorado 2.0 release to November 10th. One of the scenarios planned for 2.0 is dependent on Fuel and the the Fuel team needs more time. There is also a possibility of including an scenario with the delay. There will be no changes to the Colorado 3.0 release. The TSC acknowledged pushing the Colorado 2.0 release date to November 10th. For Danube, Milestone 1 was last week and 34 projects have submitted their release plans. The Movie project team expressed their intent to participate 2 days after the deadline, but the TSC had no objections to this. There was a quick discussion on intercepting OpenStack-Ocata (scheduled for late Feb'17) by delaying the Danube release. Ray took an action item to start a discussion on Ocata and the community's interest in OpenStack's Project Teams Gathering (PTG).
MeetBot Minutes:
October 25, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- SFQM: change in project scope/name - Former user (Deleted)
Apex project on OPNFV GitHub - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)- Discussion on merging existing projects - Former user (Deleted)
- Contribution guidelines (e.g. copyright & license information) Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- MANO WG report out to the Board on Oct. 28th - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- OpenStack-Barcelona - Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities:
- David noted that at this point we have 2 scenarios for Colorado 2.0 but neither seem to have documentations associated. In addition, test result for the SFC isn't fully clear (whether it's good or bad) and ONOS scenario doesn't include Yardstick results. David took an action item to follow-up with PTLs on the status of both scenarios. There was a consensus to approve Colorado 2.0 release pending follow-up with PTLs by 5pm CET on October 26th and David will update the TSC via email.
- There was a discussion on keeping both 2.0 and 3.0 releases for Danube and beyond and the consensus that the overhead is low for maintaining monthly releases.
- On Danube, David is still awaiting on 8 projects for Milestone 1 documentation.
- SFQM change in project scope/name: Maryam noted that previously the focus of the SFQM project has been on networking traffic. One of the starting activities under the new scope is to develop collectd plugins. The project team has also started planning for the Danube release and the committers for the project will remain the same. On the new name, there was a consensus for Barometer. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the scope change and Barometer as the new project name.
- Discussion on merging existing projects: There was a question on how project teams can propose merging two existing projects (e.g. KVMFORNFV and OVSNFV). The consensus was that a proposal should be posted the proposal on mailing list for 2 weeks prior to coming to the TSC for approval.
- Contribution Guidelines: Morgan noted that an additional section on license & copyright has been added to Contribution Guidelines and comments/feedback on the page are welcome.
- MANO WG report out: Bryan reviewed the latest material posted at
MeetBot Minutes
October 18, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OpenStack-Barcelona - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- TSC meeting & Release Meeting on October 25th
- Joint TSC-Board discussion
- OPNFV at OpenStack
- Q3'2016 Quarterly Awards - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- Review Colorado 2.0 & 3.0 schedule for stable releases
- Release Milestone Description
- Mirroring OPNFV repo in GitHub (read-only) - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted), Trevor Bramwell
- Previous minutes approved
- Tapio noted that there is a termination review request for the RS project and the 2-week review period starts now.
- OpenStack-Barcelona:
- There was a discussion on moving the TSC call next week to morning hours in Europe since lot of people will be at the OpenStack Summit, and there was an agreement to have the TSC meeting start at 7am CET followed by the release meeting at 8am CET.
- The topics (with owners) for the joint TSC-Board meeting are
- Current state of MANO activities and projects in OPNFV (Bryan Sullivan)
- Project health/Community metrics (Ray/David McBride)
- TSC Activities and Scope (Tapio)
- OPNFV's role in fostering synergies across networking projects (Chris Price/Frank)
- OPNFV at OpenStack: Ray notes that there is still need for volunteers at the OPNFV Booth. There is also a joint reception with OpenDaylight on Tuesday evening and people need to RSVP.
- Quarterly awards: Ray reminded the community that the nomination for the Q3 awards closes at 5pm Pacific Time on Friday.
- Colorado + Danube planning: David McBride noted that Colorado 2.0 is scheduled for next week and so far only 2 out of 6 scenarios for 2.0 are showing up on the Functest dashboard. For Danube, 40 projects have expressed intent to participate and roughly half of those projects have planning complete for the M1 milestone. There was a suggestion to review which projects are passing the M1 milestone next week.
- Mirroring OPNFV repo in Github (read-only): Aric noted that there is a Gerritt plug-in that enables mirroring of OPNFV repo in Github. Bryan Sullivan suggested including a README file in the Github repo to provide additional context. There was an agreement to move forward with the read-only OPNFV repo in Github.
- noha scenario types: Bryan notes that we need a noha scenario for developers and establishing a starting point for engaging with the OPNFV community. There was also a suggestion that noha scenarios document HW setup where the testing was done. Jack Morgan took an action item to start a wiki page under Pharos so the community can continue this discussion.
MeetBot Minutes:
October 11, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV October 6th Board Meeting - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- TSC and Board face to face meeting agenda items
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- Review Colorado 2.0 & 3.0 schedule for stable releases
- Release Milestone Description
- OpenStack-Barcelona plans - Former user (Deleted)
- OPNFV at OpenStack
- OPNFV booth volunteer sign-up:
- The community welcomed the new TSC Chair Tapio Tallgren.
- Previous minutes approved
- Board meeting report out: Tapio provided an update from the Board meeting and noted that the C&C report out included the status of the Compliance/Verification Program (CVP) which will be presented to the Board in Barcelona. There was also a discussion that the CVP and the Dovetail test suites will also be presented to the TSC and there will be no further action from the TSC until after C&C Committee's presentation to the Board. There was a marketing committee update focused on the Colorado launch and a discussion around OPNFV's potential roles in better collaboration/efficiency across different networking projects in the LF.
- There was a good discussion on topics for the joint TSC-Board meeting on October 28th. Tapio discussed proposed topics such as MANO-related projects, TSC activities & scope, OPNFV architecture, etc. There was concern that MANO discussion maybe premature, but Heather noted that this was one of the discussion topics that the Board was interested even if there are no concrete accomplishments to-date. Also, on the architecture, Frank made a suggestion to have further discussion on this during the weekly Technical Community call prior to the Board meeting. Ray took an action item to summarize the joint TSC-Board topics and send to mailing lists.
- Colorado & Danube release planning: David McBride noted that 39 projects have expressed their intent to participate in Danube so far. Colorado 2.0 is scheduled for October 27th and "daily" stand-up meetings have started. There was a question on which projects will not be participating in Danube. David noted that so far only Cperf & Dovetail confirmed they will not be participating in Danube and David took an action item to start a new wiki page on the Danube release.
- OPNFV at OpenStack-Barcelona: Ray discussed OPNFV's planned activities at the OpenStack Summit and encouraged community members to contribute updates to the wiki page and volunteer to sign up for the OPNFV booth in the expo hall.
MeetBot Minutes
October 4, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination: Sep 19 - 30/Election: Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- Recap from the OpenDaylight Summit - Former user (Deleted)
- Dovetail discussion:
- VNF Onboarding discussion:
- Managing Private Keys in OPNFV - Former user (Deleted)
- Danube development and CI/CD processes discussion - Former user (Deleted), Fatih Degirmenci
- CI Evolution plans for Danube
- Promoting stable/verified versions of test frameworks/test cases in CI
- OPNFV October Board meeting - Christopher Price
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- Review Colorado 2.0 & 3.0 schedule for stable releases
- Release Milestone Description
- OpenStack-Barcelona plans - Brandon Wick, Heather Kirksey
- Previous minutes approved
- TSC Chair election is on-going and the community members thanked Chris Price for a job well done as a TSC Chair over the past two years
- Recap from OpenDaylight Summit: On Thursday there was a good discussion on Dovetail & VNF Onboarding during the OPNFV meetup. There was also a session with the OpenDaylight Community focused on release alignment and testing collaboration between ODL and OPNFV.
- Managing private keys in OPNFV: Luke noted that there have been multiple private keys stored in repositories for some projects which is generally not considered a good practice. Ash added that reasoning for including keys is to facilitate automation, but there may be better ways of achieving automation which the security group will further investigate. Ash also developed a tutorial to help people onboard activities in a more secure fashion and Ash took the action item to post the tutorial presentation on the Security working group wiki page. Luke also asked for volunteers from the community to help with this effort and the security team meets weekly on Wednesdays at 14:00 UTC.
- Danube development and CI/CD process: Fatih discussed the CI evolution and outlined that there have been some additions to the post-merge job as part of the promotion process. Experiments will be done with Fuel & Apex and Fatih is looking for help with other installers. There are discussions on-going with testing teams about using a similar framework and Morgan noted benefits of test promotion as a tool to facilitate onboarding test cases into test frameworks.
- OPNFV October Board meeting: Chris shared his presentation for the Board meeting and topics to be covered are Colorado/Danube releases, updates from the ODL Summit, and joint Board-TSC meeting in Barcelona.
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities: David McBride describes that there are already over 30 projects that expressed their intent to participate in Danube. Release planning is ongoing for Danube and a new template will be presented for discussion during the upcoming release meeting.
- OpenStack-Barcelona plans: Brandon noted that the Doctor project will be featured during the keynote on Day 1 and OPNFV will be featured in 7 sessions during the week. OPNFV will also have a booth in the Expo area with demos and there will be a sign-up for booth volunteers. There will also be meetings for the OPNFV End User Advisory Group and Board meeting (TSC members invited to join the Board meeting in the morning). Ray took an action item to start the OpenStack planning page.
MeetBot Minutes
September 27, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Colorado launch - Heather Kirksey, Former user (Deleted)
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination: Sep 13 - 23/Election: Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination: Sep 19 - 30/Election: Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
Managing Private Keys in OPNFV - Former user (Deleted)(re-scheduled to next week)- IETF 97 in Seoul, Korea - Heather Kirksey, Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado + Danube planning and activities - David McBride
- Review Colorado 2.0 & 3.0 schedule for stable releases
- Release Milestone Description
- Review Danube release project proposal - Danube
- #startvote Does to the TSC agree to pass Danube MS 0 today and approve the current Danube project plan? (-1, 0, +1)
- #startvote Does to the TSC agree to pass Danube MS 0 today and approve the current Danube project plan? (-1, 0, +1)
- Joint Board-TSC meeting on October 28th - Former user (Deleted)
- Meetup at ODL Summit - Former user (Deleted)
- External repositories topics - if we have time - Former user (Deleted)
- Mirroring OPNFV to github - seems straightforward
- Mirroring upstream repo's into OPNFV - need to be better understood
- OPNFV collaboration best practices - depends on the above points
- Previous minutes approved
- Colorado launch: Heather discussed Colorado launch assets (e.g. landing page, press release, blogs, social media) in addition to press briefings. Heather noted that coverage has been positive and congratulated the technical community for an on-time release.
- Technical Community Elections: Ray noted that the Committer Board election has kicked off and will close at 5pm on Friday (September 30th). TSC Chair nomination period will also close on Friday.
- IETF 97 in Seoul, Korea: Heather outlines that we are interested in participating in the IETF Hackathon to bring topics that we want to develop in OPNFV that we could collaborate with the IETF community. For the Hackathon, we'd need volunteers from the community to facilitate the development of the topic and to run the Hackathon on site at the IETF event. Some of the potential topics could be SFC, IPv6, BGP & VPN, and VPP, vsperf and security. Frank added that the focus of the Hackathon should be on producing demonstrable code in ~24 hours. Ray took an action item to start a page for IETF97 planning.
- Colorado & Danube planning and activities:
- David McBride noted that Colorado 2.0 release date is October 27th with Colorado 3.0 schedule set for December 5th. Tapio noted that the Colorado 3.0 date actually falls during the week of the Plugfest, and there will be a further discussion on Colorado 3.0 in the release meeting.
- For Danube, the proposal is to open the call for participation for Danube and leave it open for about a month to give community members an opportunity to join (incl. those not familiar with OPNFV release process). So new project proposals will need to be approved and then declare an intent to participate in the next month. In addition for Danube, the stable branch window will be about 6 weeks. Via IRC vote, the TSC agreed to start the Danube release process with proposed milestones and a planned release date of March 27th.
- Joint Board-TSC meeting on October 28th: Chris reminded the TSC members about the joint meeting with the Board during the OpenStack Summit. Chris will begin soliciting topics for the meeting.
- Meetup at the ODL Summit: Ray noted that OPNFV members are invited to join the ODL Community in the main Developer Design Forum room for an hour long discussion on Carbon/Danube planning at 9:30am on Thursday.
- External repositories: There was a discussion on creating a read-only OPNFV repo in Github as the Github interface is more user friendly and well known. Ray took an action item to create a wiki page for external repo questions/concerns.
Meetbot Minutes
September 20, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination: Sep 13 - 23/Election: Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination: Sep 19 - 30/Election: Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- JIRA Federation - Frank Brockners
- non Apache-2 license for the Moon project - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- #startvote Does te TSC agree to release Colorado1.0 on the 22nd of September? (-1, 0, +1)
- IETF 97 in Seoul, Korea - Heather Kirksey, Former user (Deleted)
- OPEN-O Developer's Event on September 26th (Bellevue, WA) - Marc Cohn
- Previous minutes approved
- Technical community elections : A reminder that nomination periods are open both for the Commiter Board & TSC Chair election
- JIRA Federation: Frank explained the benefits of being able to relate to upstream communities using JIRA Federation as you'd be able to relate to and link across issues in OPNFV and upstream projects. The TSC agreed to start a trial between OPNFV and an Frank will report back to the TSC on the status.
- Non-Apache-2.0 license for the Moon project: Ruan described his work in the Moon project where they use identity federation across OpenDaylight and OpenStack. The Moon team developed some ODL code under EPL 1.0 license (5 new files & 5 modified files) that is under review, but they have not been merged in ODL yet. The Moon team is requesting to have Non-Apache-2.0 codes in the OPNFV repository until they get accepted upstream. The OPNFV Legal Committee will also be reviewing the request from the Moon project. The TSC has no objections to the proposal from the Moon project team.
- Colorado planning and activities: David noted that there are 24-28 scenarios that have indicated their intention to release for Colorado 1.0. Morgan added on test results chart, scenarios with scores above 80% are likely to be stable but there could be documented limitations. Sofia also noted that on documentation front there are still some inconsistencies and missing documents. There was a good discussion on release readiness based on documentation issues. Ray took an action item to setup a 30 minute TSC call at 7am Pacific Time on September 21st.
- OPEN-O Developer's Event on September 26th (Bellevue, WA): Marc discussed the Open-O developer event next Monday between 16:30 - 18:30 right across the street from the OpenDaylight Summit and encouraged participation from the OPNFV community.
MeetBot Minutes
September 13, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Update from the September OPNFV Board meeting - Former user (Deleted)
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination: Sep 13 - 23/Election: Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination: Sep 19 - 30/Election: Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- Meetup at OpenDaylight Summit - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Project Health Metrics Discussion - Former user (Deleted)
- External repo's - Former user (Deleted)
- Mailing list discussions - Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved
- Update from the September OPNFV Board meeting: Chris noted that the technical community budget for Q4'2016 has been approved and the next TSC chair will have a chance on developing the budget for the new fiscal year in 2017. Ray also has an action item to come back to the TSC to give an update on the Q4 budget.
- Meetup at the OpenDaylight Summit: Ray encourage community members attending the ODL Summit to list their names on the Thursday meetup planning page. It'd also be good to identify ODL community members we want to invite for the Carbon release discussion (9am) and topics for the open time slot at 11am-noon.
- Colorado planning and activities:
- David McBride first discussed the Danube release milestones. David noted that JIRA gating will be used for Danube, and there is also on-going discussion around stable branch window.
- For the Colorado release, 14 scenarios are now release ready and further 10 scenarios are approaching stability.
- There was a discussion on different artifacts for ARM vs. x86 architecture and consensus that ARM will have its own ISOs so their artifacts will need to be accommodated accordingly.
- Project health metrics: There was a good discussion on the metrics including the purpose. There were comments that metrics can help evaluate projects activities and identify outliers or ones that need community's help. The metrics would also be a good input in the context of project lifecycle assessment.
- External repo's: Ray noted that an agenda item for an extended discussion on licensing is planned for future Technical Community call in early/mid October. There was a good discussion that a "non-governed" repos should be allowed as a short-term solution for example for upstream forks. There may need to be a distinction between different types of external repos (e.g. ones that are closely reviewed for licensing info. vs. ones that are more informal). There was a question if it'd make sense to have a separate "folder" for upstream codes in OPNFV and Ray noted that a proposal is forthcoming with some of the OPNFV projects that have upstream forks.
- Mailing list discussions: Ray discussed proposals for new mailing lists as opnfv-tech-discuss is getting too congested. Bryan Sullivan asked for a clarification on upstream mailing lists and Ray noted that this is to facilitate discussions with upstream communities (e.g. OpenStack, OpenDaylight, etc.) without requiring upstream community members to subscribe to OPNFV mailing lists. The TSC agreed to the creation of new mailing lists for working groups and upstream communities.
MeetBot Minutes
September 6, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Introduction/welcome for new Committer-at-Large TSC members Former user (Deleted)
- License scan update - Scott Nicholas/Former user (Deleted)
- Confluence/wiki tracking on Bitergia - Former user (Deleted)
- September OPNFV Board meeting - Former user (Deleted)
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination Sep 13 - 23/Election Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination Sep 19 - 30/Election Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- OPNFV intern program update - Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved
- New TSC members were introduced. Rosella Sblendido is a TSC rep from SUSE and five new Committers-at-Large TSC members are Bin Hu, Fatih Degirmenci, Hongbo Tian, Morgan Richomme, and Jack Morgan
- License scan update: Scott Nicholas gave an update on the latest license scan. PTLs have been contacted if there were questions, and a quick response/action would be appreciated. Scott also noted that there's a room for improvement in including license information at the file-level (vs. directory-level) and license files should have a .txt extension.
- Confluence/wiki tracking on Bitergia: Ray noted that wiki contribution tracking is something that has been discussed in the community and Bitergia has now added support for Confluence. There is an opportunity to add Confluence/wiki tracking on Bitergia's OPNFV dashboard for $3k, and there is a room in the current budget to pay for this. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved $3k spending for adding wiki tracking from Bitergia.
- September OPNFV Board meeting: Chris shared his draft presentation and he will be going over Colorado update, D-release planning, community elections, and other community updates during the Board meeting.
- Technical community elections
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination Sep 13 - 23/Election Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination Sep 19 - 30/Election Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- OPNFV Intern program update: Ray shared learnings from 5 interns in OPNFV this year. There was a discussion on the part-time internship option and the consensus was to keep this option along with a traditional full-time internship.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride noted that Colorado 1.0 release date of September 22nd is fast approaching. The Functest dashboard shows a small number of "green" scenarios plus the scenario wiki page is showing 6 or 7 scenarios that are not yet ready. Frank added that for many of the scenarios, the failure may actually be due to one test case.
- Harmonized configuration for OPNFV: Carlos notes that the doctor project requires certain platform configurations to function. However, the project team found that this was not possible across all installers for Colorado. There is a need for a common set of behaviors that allow features to be deployed on all scenarios. Julien asked if Genesis should be a vehicle to achieve common configurations across installers. Frank noted that there was limited participation in genesis to harmonize these items and thus stood down from the Colorado release. Jack Morgan added that the Infra WG has been looking at this from the physical infrastructure perspective that can lead to alignment on installers. Jack took an action item to work on this topic.
MeetBot Minutes
August 30, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Toronto Hackfest report out - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado milestones review, Mailing lists, Dovetail, MANO working group, upstream contributions, etc.
- OPNFV Plugfest update - Lincoln Lavoie
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Colorado scenario status read out - David McBride
- Colorado test and stability status update - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado 2.0 and Colorado 3.0 planning and milestones - David McBride
- #startvote Does the TSC approve the milestones and timing presented for Colorado stable releases? (-1, 0, +1)
- D-Release activities
- D-Release naming activity - Former user (Deleted)
- D-Release milestone and timeplan development - David McBride
- OPNFV intern program update - Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved.
- Toronto Hackfest report out: Chris reported activities from Q3 Hackfest discussions including Coloraro milestone review, mailing list proposals, Dovetail update, etc. Most discussions are captured in the wiki or on mailing lists.
- Plugfest update: Lincoln reported that four companies are registered for the Plugfest so far and planning/preparation are being done on the Plugfest wiki. Ray added that plan is to organize a number of "tracks" during the Plugfest and the (co-located) Hackfest could be one of the tracks. Everyone participating in the Plugfest (incl. Hackfest) will be required to accept the Rules of Engagement during registration. Ray asked if there are any concerns with co-locating the Hackfest with the Plugfest and no concerns were raised.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride noted that deployment figures have not changed significantly in the past week (around 50% are deploying successfully and some scenarios remain inactive). In addition, a large number of scenarios are not passing all test cases. Also, there are a large number of Colorado 1.0 issues that may not be resolved in time and these require PTL's attention. Frank made a suggestion to develop a features/scenarios increment report for Colorado (vs. Brahmaputra) and David took an action item to work on this.
- D-release activities: D-release naming activities have kicked off and the voting will start on September 5th. David gave an overview of a proposal for the D-release schedule, and the projected release date would be March 27, 2017 (
- A reminder on the timeline for upcoming elections:
- Committer-at-Large elections to the TSC (Nomination closes Aug. 19th/Elections Aug. 22 - Sep. 2/Results: Sep. 6)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination Sep 13 - 23/Election Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination Sep 19 - 30/Election Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
MeetBot Minutes
August 23, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer-at-Large elections to the TSC (Nomination closes Aug. 19th/Elections Aug. 22 - Sep. 2/Results: Sep. 6)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination Sep 13 - 23/Election Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination Sep 19 - 30/Election Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- CII Badging update - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- Project health metrics - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- Project lifecycle review and process development - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Previous minutes approved.
- Technical community elections: Ray noted that the committer-at-large election has started and the voting will close on September 2nd (Friday)
- CII badging update: Sona discussed that OPNFV community has achieved the CII security badge, but work should continue to improve the security in OPNFV. Luke noted that the security team plans to work with each of the projects to do a security audit of individual projects and provide recommendations for improvement. Luke asks projects to read the security audit planning etherpad and provide feedback. There was also discussion on adding "security audit" as one of the release milestones.
- Project health metrics: There was an action item from the TSC meeting on June 28th to work on establishing metrics for projects to help identify active or struggling projects in OPNFV. The intention is to develop metrics to help measure projects' activities so that we can identify projects that may need help from the community plus highlight projects that are working well. Ray has an action item to start a wiki page on project health.
- Project lifecycle review and process development: After Colorado, there will be a number of projects that would have participated in multiple OPNFV releases and there is a need to start a discussion on criteria for projects to go beyond incubation. Dave Neary asked the purpose of a graduation review and if projects have been held back by being in the incubation stage. Uli and Prakash also noted that we should also consider different criteria for different types of projects for these reviews. Chris Price noted that a purpose of graduation reviews would be for a community recognition of projects that are doing well, and also communicating project's maturity outside of OPNFV.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride noted that the stable branch creation milestone has been accomplished for Colorado. The infra team is creating Jenkins jobs for Colorado branch and there will be patches pending on gerrit. David added that the next milestone is test completion in mid-September and that Jira cleanup needs to be done prior to the release. David McBride has the action item to establish Colorado 2.0 and 3.0 milestones plus start the D-release planning activites.
- AoB:
- Next meet-up will be at the ODL Summit in September and there will be a session on Thursday morning with the ODL community to discuss the ODL Carbon release.
- D-release naming: Ray has the action item to start the process for naming of the D-release.
MeetBot Minutes
August 16, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Next week's TSC meeting - Former user (Deleted)
- Technical community elections - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer-at-Large elections to the TSC (Nomination closes Aug. 19th/Elections Aug. 22 - Sep. 2/Results: Sep. 6)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination Sep 13 - 23/Election Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination Sep 19 - 30/Election Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- OPNFV IRC channels - Former user (Deleted)
- Mixed approaches thus far between common, working group, and project channels. Guidance discussion.
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Colorado
- Finalizing OPNFV Releases
- Scenarios for ARM vs. Intel Architectures
- Project creation review
- Previous minutes approved
- Next week's TSC call: Since the Hackfest kicks off in Toronto next Tuesday (Aug. 23rd), Ray proposed shifting both the TSC and Colorado release meetings an hour earlier. Ray will send out an email soliciting further feedback from the community to ensure that the changes are not detrimental.
- Technical community elections: The TSC agreed to extend the nomination period to ~2 weeks in lieu of discussions/debates on mailing lists. For the Committer-at-Large TSC election, Frank asked if it'd be possible to also extend the voting period as many are out on vacation in August. Since there were no objections, the community will follow the following timelines for upcoming elections
- Committer-at-Large elections to the TSC (Nomination closes Aug. 19th/Elections Aug. 22 - Sep. 2/Results: Sep. 6)
- Committer Board (Announcement: Sep. 6/Nomination Sep 13 - 23/Election Sep 26 - 30/Result: Oct. 3)
- TSC Chair (Announcement: Sep. 12/Nomination Sep 19 - 30/Election Oct. 3 - 7/Result: Oct. 10)
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride noted the documentation milestone was yesterday and the stable branch window will remain open until next Monday (Aug. 22nd). There was good discussion on clarification of projects' participation in the release and a consensus to continue this discussion on the release meeting. There was also feedback from the Armband team that currently there is no good way to provide status per hardware architecture for scenarios. Jack Morgan took an action item to discuss long term planning around hardware architectures and scenario compatibility during the Infra WG meeting. David also has the action item to work with Sofia and Morgan on how to document and capture the results of the hardware testing for colorado.
- Orchestra project creation review: Guiseppe noted that the initial scope of the project is to focus on vnf testing and deployment. The Orchestra team has already begun working with models, functest, install tools teams and others. There are also plans to work with Doctor and Promise teams for fault management and resource reservation. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved project creation for Orchestra.
MeetBot Minutes
August 9, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV Board meeting recap - Former user (Deleted)
- Committer-at-Large elections to the TSC - Former user (Deleted)
- TSC meeting schedule- Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Project creation review
- Previous minutes approved
- OPNFV Board meeting recap: Chris Price noted that there was a discussion with the Board on the reporting status for Colorado release and the Board approved the proposal to add 5 Committers-at-Large TSC members. Also, Board resolutions affecting OPNFV Bylaws will be published going forward. The title of the President for the OPNFV Board will be changed to the Vice Chairperson.
- Committer-at-Large elections to the TSC: There was a discussion on dealing with more than 2 individuals being elected from same member organizations and alternates. The TSC agreed that it is up to individual organizations to decide which two individuals are represented in the TSC. For alternates, the TSC does not want to enforce who can be alternates but in cases when there are more than two members from the same organization, only two of the votes will count. The TSC also agreed that the election result is valid for that election only and can not be used to fill vacancies in the future (e.g. when someone steps down). Chris Price took an action item to update the elections wiki page. Ray also reminded everyone of the Friday deadline for nominations.
- TSC meeting schedule: The TSC agreed to postpone this discussion until after the new Committer-at-Large TSC members are elected.
- Colorado planning and activities: David gave a reminder that the documentation milestone is on August 15th. For stable branch, there will be a window that will last a week starting with Milestone 9. David also noted that some projects are forking upstream code, but did not know how to contribute back upstream and is help PTLs work with upstream communities.
- Opera project creation review: Opera will initially focus on the integration of Open-O NFVO, a VNFM based on Juju, and an OpenStack based VIM. TOSCA and HEAT will be the primary target interface models. The project team will start with a vCPE use case for its work and the plan is to participate in the OPNFV D-release. The project team still needs to investigate which scenarios would be used and how they would interact with installer projects. Via IRC vote, TSC approved project creation for Opera.
MeetBot Minutes
August 2, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV Board meeting topics - Former user (Deleted)
- Proposed board update material: OPNFV TSC Board update 4 August 2016 v1.pptx
- October-January budget amendment and activities - Chris and Ray
- Q4'2016 budget proposal
- OPNFV Community events in 2H'2016: Community events wiki page
- Committer Promotions - Former user (Deleted)
- Discuss allowing gerrit reviews to be used for voting on committer promotion.
- Proposed update to the committer promotions wiki - Committer Promotions
- #startvote Does the TSC approve the use of gerrit for committer promotion as described on the Committer Promotions wiki? (-1, 0, +1)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Colorado
- Release process overview : Finalizing OPNFV Releases - Ulrich Kleber
- Postponed:
Project creation review: Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved
- OPNFV Board meeting topics: During the Board meeting on Augst 4th, Chris will discuss Colorado update, Committer-at-Large election, and Community Events. If there are any feedback on the presentation material, please let Chris know prior to the meeting.
- For future TSC meetings after the Committer-at-Large election, Brian Skerry asked what the new quorum count will be and if Community TSC members can name alternates. Brian took the action item to start a discussion on TSC alternates on mailing lists. Another item that needs clarification is how to limit TSC seats to 2 per member organization when more than 2 are elected, and Chris took the action item to clarify this on the wiki page.
- October-January budget amendment and activities: Ray noted that the OPNFV fiscal calendar will be shifting to January - December in 2017 and there will be a "transitional budget" for October - December'2016. For IT, there will be additional spending for new staff and switches for newly donated hardware.
- Committer Promotions: There was a discussion of allowing gerritt reviews to be used for committer promotions (in addition to email votes). Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the use of gerrit for committer promotion as described on the Committer Promotions wiki page.
- Colorado planning and activities:
- David McBride noted that project reporting has improvevd significantly since last week. Also, the the Scenario table in the wiki page is sortable by different columns.
- Uli explained that the steps to Colorado release will be the same as for Brahmaputra and that he has updated the process and described it for Colorado miletsones. There was a good discussion if every project needs to follow the stable branch handling at the next milestone. David McBride took the action item to follow-up on this discussion to understand any impact on the release schedule or if would be possible to allow exceptions.
MeetBot Minutes
July 26, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- CII Badging update for OPNFV - Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted)
- Community TSC Member election - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Colorado
- Dovetail schedule
- Discussion around adoption of Phase 1 of CI evolution for Colorado
- Joint discussions with the OpenDaylight Community at the ODL Design Summit - Former user (Deleted)
- Previous minutes approved
- CII Badging update for OPNFV: Sona provided an update on the CII badging activities and one remaining issue is using MD5 as was found in releng. Work is on-going to resolve this and Aric owns the JIRA ticket for this issue. Sona noted that instead of MD5, sha2 could be a better option. Sona and David McBride took the action item to resolve issues with MD5 based cryptographic algorithms in Colorado time frame.
- Community TSC member election: Chris reviewed the election process as captured in the wiki. Ray added that the list of committers as of August 1st will be used for the election. Via IRC vote the TSC approved the election process as outlined in Community Election Procedure
- Colorado planning and activities: David presented his analysis of risk levels of projects participating in Colorado. David noted that some projects are not reporting their status to the wiki page, and projects that are either missing milestones or reporting put themselves in a high risk category. David added that JIRA ticket handling (e.g. closing tickets, using common versions and tags, etc.) is also an issue for many projects. For scenarios, reporting has also been lacking on the scenario status wiki page. For high risk projects, David has already been in communication with the PTLs. Gerald asked what would be the next steps if projects are not able to recover their status, and David responded that when the situation is clear for high risk projects he will come back to the TSC to ask for a decision as to the projects remaining in Colorado if necessary.
- Discussion around adoption of Phase 1 of CI evolution for Colorado: Former user (Deleted) noted that he's concerned about the Jenkins job structure change in Phase I that may have an impact on the Colorado release. In addition, Apex has a different job structure vs. other installer projects. After some discussion, there was a consensus that the TSC does not object to allowing Apex to defer alignment of job structures as long as we secure that the we can achieve phases 3 and 4 of the CI evolution in the D release.
- Joint discussions with the OpenDaylight Community at the ODL Design Summit: Ray noted that the OpenDaylight Community proposed having a session during their September Design Summit (on Thursday) to discuss the ODL Carbon release and needs from OPNFV. At a nominal cost, OPNFV will be able to get a meeting space to meet with the ODL community. Ray will setup a planning wiki page with logistical information.
MeetBot Minutes
July 19, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Alternating timeslots for TSC meetings - Former user (Deleted)
- GoToMeeting accounts for project team meetings - Former user (Deleted)
- Q3 Hackfest update - Former user (Deleted)
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Previous minutes approved
- Alternating time slots for TSC meetings: Feedback from community members in Asia is that the current TSC meeting time is inconvenient for many people in the region (e.g. 10pm in China, 11pm in Japan, etc.). Suggestions were made to continue the discussion on the mailing list or create a poll if needed.
- GoToMeeting accounts for project team meetings: Ray provided an update on the 2nd GoToMeeting account that was created in May. Ray took an action item to re-send the announcement email from May to opnfv-tech-discuss.
- Q3 Hackfest: Ray noted that the Hackfest registration page is up and encouraged community members to add breakout topics on the Planning page. There was a discussion on organizing a joint breakout session with Dovetail and C&C members at the Hackfest.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride discussed the test implementation milestone on July 15th and noted that 24 projects have not reported for milestone 7 yet (Releases Colorado Projects). David took the action item to update the overall reporting pages by next week and will be following up with the PTLs.
MeetBot Minutes
July 12, 2016
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Meeting minutes from June 28th (deferred due to Ray's absence) + July 5th
- Agenda Bashing
- SPC Working Group - Ulrich Kleber
- OPNFV north star working group plans
- OpenStack operators NFV working group
- Abandoning old patch sets in gerrit (e.g. more than 6 months old) - Aric
- Colorado planning and activities - David McBride
- Scenario planning in final release phase
- Colorado
- Q3 Hackfest update - Former user (Deleted)
- Project Creation review:
- Previous minutes from June 28th & July 5th approved
- SPC Working Group:
- Ulrich Kleber shared his presentation on the Polestar working group proposal. The working group's goal is to help get alignment on OPNFV community wide vision and calls for cross-project participation. There was a discussion if the working group membership is open (like other working groups in the technical community) and that it'd be preferable to have more participation from non-Platinum member organizations.
- OpenStack Operators Telecom/NFV Working Group: Uli notes that this new group meets bi-weekly on IRC on Wednesdays at 8am Pacific Time and encourages OPNFV community members participation. Uli also added a reminder that there are 2 days remaining for submitting session proposals for OpenStack Summit in Barcelona.
- Abandoning old patch sets in Gerrit: Former user (Deleted) noted that there is a request to remove a patch set if it is not touched for 6 months. The patch will go into an "abandoned" state. The TSC agreed to move patches that have not been updated for more than 6 months into "abandoned" state.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride reminded everyone that the test implementation milestone (M7) is this Friday (15th) and this reflects moving out the milestone a week. David noted that he does not expect this to have an impact on the overall release schedule. TSC agreed to pushing out the M7 milestone by a week. David also gave an assessment of "yellow" for the release as not all projects are completely aware of the release milestone/schedule.
- Q3 Hackfest: Former user (Deleted) noted that the next Hackfest will be at a venue close to the LinuxCon-North America and encouraged community members to post breakout session proposals the Planning page. More details will be sent out as soon as venue, registration details, etc. are finalized.
- Project creation review: Former user (Deleted) noted that the security scanning functionality is already part of Functest as of 3-4 weeks ago. Also, the latest version of the OpenSCAP will be used in the project. The project will continue to be embedded in Functest, but will now have a separate repository. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved creation of the Security Scanning project.
MeetBot Minutes
July 5, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV CI development/evolution - Fatih
- Committer at large (CAL) elections to the TSC - Chris
- "The TSC may choose to create community representative votes on the TSC"
- #startvote Does the TSC agree to include <x> CAL TSC seats for the 2016/2017 term? (-1, 0, +1)
- Community Election Procedure
- #startvote Does the TSC agree to start the CAL election process on the 8th of August? (-1, 0, +1)
- "The TSC may choose to create community representative votes on the TSC"
- SPC Working Group - Uli
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- QTIP new PTL voting result - Former user (Deleted)
- AoB
- Approval of previous meeting's minutes deferred until Ray returns.
- Former user (Deleted) requested that the topic of the Feature Freeze milestone (July 1) be added to the agenda. Former user (Deleted) requested that this topic be deferred to the Release Planning meeting in the next hour.
- Fatih Degirmenci described the proposal for the evolution of OPNFV CI
- Details here.
- Motivation for change is stability of current system and the time to debug.
- Using a tiered approach would likely reduce the time it takes to isolate a bug.
- Validating scenarios in a virtual environment before testing on bare metal would help to preserve resources.
- Some concern was raised about the timing of the changes. We need to avoid impacting Colorado, so most changes should wait until the D-release cycle.
- Proposal to implement changes in two phases: (1) low impact changes during Colorado release cycle; (2) higher impact changes early in D-release cycle.
- Committer at Large (CAL)
- Former user (Deleted) suggested that we need to document a common definition of this term
- The plan is to restrict nominees to existing committers. Former user (Deleted) raised a concern about this.
- Who should vote? Former user (Deleted) suggested that voters should include, at a minimum, all committers.
- How many?
- Former user (Deleted) suggested this should be a percentage of elected members.
- Frank Brockners proposed 5 members and that this number should be reviewed annually.
- Voted on "Does the TSC agree to include 5 committer TSC seats for the 2016/2017 term?" Approved.
- Voted on "Does the TSC agree to start the committer election process on the 8th of August?" Approved
- Colorado Release
- David McBride reminded the team that the Feature Freeze milestone was Friday, July 1. In addition, the Test Case Implementation and Scenario Integration milestones are this week.
- David McBride told the team that three projects that had previously expressed intent to participate in the Colorado release have voluntarily withdrawn from the release:
- Escalator
- Resource Scheduler
- Policy Test
- Escalator will likely participate in a future release; however, the other two projects will probably not.
- David McBride also said that there seems to be no process for projects to withdraw. These projects were identified by David based on discussions with the PTLs.
- David McBride reminded the team that the Feature Freeze milestone was Friday, July 1. In addition, the Test Case Implementation and Scenario Integration milestones are this week.
- Ran out of time to discuss the SPC working group and the QTIP project.
MeetBot Minutes
June 28, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV Design Summit & Summit report out - Brandon
- OPNFV Plugfest and ETSI Plugtest follow up - Pierre
- OPNFV Board meeting report out - Chris
- SPC Working Group
- TSC structure and technical Governance
- Infrastructure Working Group
- Infra resource request
- Project structure, scope and coordination discussion - Chris/All
- Working groups
- Project overlap
- "Less Active" projects
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- OPNFV Design Summit & Summit report out: Brandon noted that the Summit Recap page is available and there were 620 attendees from 35 coutries at the Summit. Attendance at the Design Summit was over 300, which is an increase from last year. The full Summit report will also be available in a few weeks. Videos from the Summit should be posted on the Summit Recap page in the next few days, and Brandon encouraged everyone to complete the Attendee survey.
- OPNFV Plugfest and ETSI Plugtest follow-up: Pierre noted that ETSI plans to list OPNFV as a "Supporting Open Source Project" for the ETSi Plugtest. OPNFV member organizations that are also members of ETSI can bring OPNFV Platform to the Plugtest. It was also determined that a co-located event between OPNFV and ETIS will not be possble this time.
- OPNFV Board Meeting report out
- SPC Working Group: SPC (Strategic Planning Committee) is a board committee and wants to reach out to the wider technical community via a Working Group. Uli noted that there was a meeting during the Design Summit and will be sending a note to mailing lists to solicit others who are also interested in participating in the Working Group.
- TSC structure and technical governance: Chris Price mentioned that he presented the same set of slides from the last TSC meeting to the Board, and the feebdack from the Board was to execute on "Committer-at-large" elections for the TSC as noted in the TSC Charter.
- Infrastructure Working Group: The request was made to the Board to add 2 Full-time people at the LF (release engineer & system administrator) to improve support for the OPNFV community. This will allow the Infra WG community members to focus on improvements (vs. daily upkeep).
- Project structure, scope and coordination discussion: There are a number of projects that have not been active or staffed by a single company and has not been able to attract new contributors. There was a good discussion on different metrics to determine the health/status of projects. Brian Skerry and Tapio agreed to meet after their vacations to continue evaluating this topic.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride provided an update from meetings with project teams during the Design Summit. David also noted that the feature freeze milestone on July 1st will provide clarity on which projects are demonstranting the ability to be part of the Colorado release.
MeetBot Minutes
June 21, 2016
The TSC Meeting during the OPNFV Design Summit will be at 8-9am CET. Room Potsdam III at InterContinental Berlin will be available for the meeting.
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Update on the TSC Charter to reflect the OPNFV Code of Conduct - Ray
- Report out from the Design Summit - Ray/Chris
- Berlin Design Summit
- Q3'2016 Hackfest
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- MANO working group discussion
- Establishing a working group to coordinate among projects relating to MANO.
- Joint TSC Board meeting preparation:
- Engagement with the SPC - Uli K
- C&D release planning - David
- Infrastructure WG report out - Fatih D
- Bitergia roadmap - Ray & Dave N
- TSC Governance discussion for the joint Board-TSC meeting - Chris
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Update on the TSC Charter to reflect the OPNFV Code of Conduct: Ray noted that the OPNFV Board approved the new TSC Charter reflecting the new Code of Conduct.
- Design Summit report out: Over 300 people attended the first day and there will be several co-located events on Day 2.
- Q3 Hackfest: The next OPNFV Plugfest will take place during the week of December 5th, and Ray proposed having a Q3 Hackfest at LinuxCon NA (Toronto) and a meet-up at OpenDaylight Summit (Seattle). The TSC agreed to holding the Q3 Hackfest co-locate with LinuxCon.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride has been working with the infrastructure team at the Design Summit to work through release activities. In general, the infrastructure is looking good for Colorado, but a pod for ARM will be added to support ArmBand activities.
- MANO Working Group: Chris Price noted that the MANO working group could be looking at things like common interfaces and work on cross coordination. There was a discussion if a charter is required for the Working Group, but existing Working Groups in OPNFV (e.g. security, infrastructure, testing) do not have charters that were approved by the TSC. The TSC agreed that the establishment of the MANO Working Groups would be a good idea. Prakash will come to the Technical Community meetings for further discussions.
- Joint Board-TSC meeting
- David McBride prepared slides for the C&D releases and will send out to mailing list for feedback. Uli is working on the SPC interaction presentation and noted that the SPC is interested in forming a working group to address long term planning and community themes
- TSC governance: Chris Price suggested that options for the TSC composition includes maintaining the current setup (with committers at large); phased migration to an elected TSC; migrate to a fully merit-based TSC. There was a discussion on potential tradeoffs when Platinum members do not automatically get a TSC seat, concerns about the TSC size (e.g. for achieving quorum), ensuring non-Platinum member classes are represented, etc.
MeetBot Minutes
June 14, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Next week's TSC meeting - Ray
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin - Updates
- TSC governance - Chris
- Engagement with the SPC - Uli K
- C&D release planning - David
- Infrastructure WG report out - Fatih D
- Bitergia roadmap - Ray & Dave N
- Design Summit update - Ray
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Project creation review
- Daisy Nfv: Zhijiang Hu
- MANO working group discussion - Chris (may need to postpone)
- Establishing a working group to coordinate among projects relating to MANO.
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Next week's TSC meeting will be at 8-9am CET on June 21st. Room Potsdam III at InterContinetal Berlin will be available for anyone interested in participating in person.
- Joint Board-TSC meeting: Ray noted that TSC members can join the joint meeting around 10am on June 24th. Chris Price has an action item to start an email discussion on the TSC governance.
- Design Summit update: Ray noted that the latest schedule is available at Berlin Design Summit. In case you have not scheduled your breakout sessions, you can can still add sessions to the planning wiki page. Heather added that there will be TV screens throughout the venue during the week for soccer fans.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride discussed triage process for JIRA issues and there will be a breakout session to discusss this topic during the Design Summit. The latest release schedule and milestones were also discussed and these are available at Frank noted that there are no separate feature freeze dates for 2.0 and 3.0 releases. There was a question on documentation completion date and David responded at the date is aligned with the stable branch creation. Frank also made a suggestion to add a note that test results will not be part of the documentation completion in mid-August. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the OPNFV Colorado schedule.
- Project creation review: Zhijiang discussed key highlights of Daisy4NFV such as multicacst, automatic deployment, containerized OpenStack services, configration template, etc. One of the concerns expressed is that a new installer will add new scenarios, and add strain to CI and testing teams. Zhijiang sees this as a flaw in the scenario process which we should address. There is also a plan to add a new CI pod at ZTE for testing. There was a good discussion on the need to investigate resource issues on scale testing and requirements for OPNFV test project teams. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the project creation for Daisy4NFV.
MeetBot Minutes
June 7, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- ETSI PlugTest Plan - Pierre Lynch
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin - Chris
- TSC governance - Chris
- Engagement with the SPC - Volunteer
- C&D release planning - David
- Infrastructure WG report out - Volunteer
- Bitergia roadmap - Ray/Volunteer
- Design Summit update- Ray
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Project creation review
- Daisy Nfv: Zhijiang Hu
- AoB
- Previous miniutes approved
- ETSI Plugtest plan: Pierre Lynch provided an update on plans for the ETSI Plugtest. The Plugtest will focus on interoperability over standard interfaces, and the HIVE tools will be used for remote testing. Test case proposals need to be submitted to ETSI for approval prior to the event. ETSI team would like OPNFV to participate in the Plugtest and potentially coordinate with OPNFV Plugfest. The first ETSI Plugtest will likely be in January'17 and the planned frequency is still TBD. Chris Price noted that one possibility out of the 2nd OPNFV Plugfest is to identify scenarios that OPNFV can bring to the ETSI Plugtest. Ray took an action item to call for volunteers from the technical community to have discussions with ETSI Plugtest team (likely in conjunction with the OPNFV C&C Committee).
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin: Chris Price discussed topics for the joint Board-TSC meeting and asked for volunteers to lead some of the topics in the meeting. Uli volunteered to take the lead on SPC engagement, Fatih volunteered for the Infrastructure WG readou, and Ray will work with Dave Neary on the Bitergia roadmap.
- Design Summit update: Ray noted that selected Design Summit sessions are now listed at Berlin Design Summit. Ray also mentioned that he will be working with community members to create a single table that shows the schedule of all lecture-style sessions plus breakouts.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride noted that he completed his action item of establishing a clear stable branch date (August 15, 2016). Rather than voting on the Colorado release plan during the meeting, Chris Price took an action item to write a concise vote text on the Colorado plan and execute the vote via e-mail this week.
- Project creation review: Zhijiang Hu presented the proposal for Daisy Nfv, and noted that Daisy4nfv introduces Kolla to speed up deployment and atomic upgrades. The plan is to be ready by the D-release. Number of people commented that there are a lot of similarities with other installer projects and there maybe opportunities for collaboration. Chris Price also noted that he intends to raise the question of infrastructure usage for installer projects as a topic for consideration on this week's Infra WG call. The review for the Daisy4nfv project will resume in the weekly Technical Discussions call and/or the next TSC meeting.
MeetBot Minutes
May 31, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- ETSI PlugTest Plan - Pierre Lynch
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin - Chris
- OPNFV Code of Conduct - Chris/Ray
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Project creation review - Alok Gupta
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved.
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin: Current optics are TSC governance and SPC interactions. Other possible topics are Bitergia roadmap and Infrastructure WG report out. Chris Price has the action item to continue developing the agenda for discussion with the technical community.
- OPNFV Code of Conduct: Ray described a proposed 1-sentence update to the Section 1 of the TSC Charter to reflect the community Code of Conduct. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the Code of Conduct and propose the identified changes to the TSC Charter. Ray has the action item to review the changes with the OPNFV Legal Committee prior to presenting it to the Board.
- Colorado planning and activities: The PTLs reached a consensus on a code freeze date of August 15th (with a proposed release date of September 22nd). Frank noted that OpenDaylight-Boron will not code freeze by August 15th and this may have impact on a number of scenarios. David McBride took the action item to update the project release diagram with the code freeze date and definition.
- SFC project scope adjustment: Brady notes that the scope change is to add VNF manager and in future releases MANO-based orchestrator. There were a number of questions on Tacker, and Brady noted that the plan is to use Tacker for Colorado as VNF manager (but not to develop/test Tacker). Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the scope change for the SFC project.
- VNF Event Stream creation review: Alok/Bin discussed the project proposal. The scope includes a common event data model, platform support for generating the event stream, development of an event collector (for MANO components) to consume the event stream. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved project creation.
MeetBot Minutes
May 24, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Purchasing additional memory for LF PODs - Fatih
- #startvote Does the TSC agree to purchase more memory for the LF POD's? (-1, 0, +1)
- Preliminary Board meeting read-out - Chris
- TSC board deck may 23.ppt
- TSC governance and SPC engagement actions
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin - Chris
- Agenda and topic development
- OPNFV Code of Conduct - Chris
- Berlin design summit update - Ray
- Breakout and plenary room updates and clarification
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Review OPNFV community support methods
opnfv-users and
- Options for the next OPNFV Plugfest - Chris/Ray
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Purchasing additional memory for LF PODs: Fatih asks if memory on 2 jump servers plus 4 standalone servers can be upgraded from 32GB to 128GB for better performance and deplyments. Via IRC vote, TSC agreed to purchasing additional memory for 6 servers in the LF data center.
- Joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin: Ray mentioned that TSC will be invited to join the Board meeting in Berlin around 9:30am CET for a 3-4 hour session. Ray encouraged the community to make suggestions on agenda topics for the joint meeting.
- OPNFV Code of Conduct: Gerald made a suggestion that the names of the LF staff (Heather & Ray) for the email alias should be listed on the Code of Conduct page. Ray will also propose an update to the TSC Charter to reflect the OPNFV Code of Conduct.
- Berlin Design Summit Update: Ray noted that a 3rd room has been added for the Design Summit. One room will be reserved for plenary sessions and presentations while the other two will be used for project team breakouts/hack sessions. People can plan breakout sessions at [ARCHIVED] Berlin Design Summit Project Breakouts and Hacking.
- Colorado planning and activities: David discussed that the community is approaching consensus on the relese and a community survey for key points will resolve toward a final schedule.
- Review of OPNFV Support models: There was a good discussion on current support tools (e.g. AskBot & opnfv-users mailing list). Aric suggested another possible tool from Atlassian
- Options for the OPNFV Plugfest: There was a good discussion on possible Plugfest dates considering a packed events schedule in Q4'2016. Trevor noted that logistical requirements/efforts for Plugfest hardware should not be underestimated. Ray will start an email discussion this week and propose ideas on Plugfest/Hackfest in 2H'2016.
MeetBot Minutes
May 17, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- 3rd Party Open Source Software dependencies - Scott Nicholas/Ray
- May OPNFV Board meeting - Chris
- Committer removals:
- Removal of inactive vsperf committers:
- #startvote Shall the TSC remove committer rights from the four VSPERF committers identified above? (-1, 0 +1)
- Berlin design summit update
- Breakout and plenary room updates and clarification
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- OPNFV Annual Awards - Ray
- Review OPNFV community support methods
opnfv-users and
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- 3rd party Open Source Software dependencies: Ray shared the wiki page (Licensing in OPNFV) that has details on the process for obtaining OPNFV Board approval for non-Apache v2 licenses if this is necessary. Scott outlines that the best way for the OPNFV to upstream code to source projects is via contributions to those projects' repositories directly. The LF team periodically performs license scans but if community members want to ask/raise issues ahead of time, please contact Ray or Scott Nicholas
- May OPNFV Board meeting: Chris reminded everyone that this is the last board meeting before the joint Board-TSC meeting in Berlin. Chris also reviewed his slides on TSC Governance based on community feedback and noted that there is a perception that the OPNFV TSC is "pay-to-play". Chris also added that his preference is for project teams to be consensus-driven with a minimal guidance from the TSC.
- Committer removals: Maryam mentioned that the inactive committers have not submitted any patches or attended any meetings in the past 6 months. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved removing committer rights for,,, from the VSPERF project.
- Annual Awards: Ray outlined the process for 2016 Annual Awards. A suggestion was made to name the Award after Margaret Chiosi (our previous Board President).
- Plugfest readout: There were more than 40 people at the Plugfest including 3 from non-member companies. Learnings from the Plugfest will be discussed at the Design Summit and a whitepaper is also in the works.
MeetBot Minutes
May 10, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV Summit update - Brandon
- Budget update - Ray
- Report out from the OPNFV Plugfest - Ray
- OPNFV Working Groups - Chris
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- OPNFV Summit Update: Brandon notes that Summit schedule is now available at|G. OPNFV member and Summit sponsor organizations have discount codes that can be used for registration. Design Summit will take place on June 20th & 21st an email on Design Summit proposals can be found at There will also be a 1/2-day "orientation session" on Sunday (June 19th) that will be free of charge. Project Track/Project Theater is planned during the Summit, and Ray will be sending an email update out to PTLs.
- Developer Collaboration budget: The technical community is trending well in terms of the budget. However, Ray/Heather noted that the community could be spending more on interns and encouraged adding more internship project proposals at Intern-projects-page.
- Plugfest report out: Ray noted that the Plugfest is off to a good start with good representation from install and test projects. The goal is to publish a whitepaper to summarize the learnings after the Plugfest. Ray will also post a daily summary of activities at Plugfest (Brahmaputra)
- OPNFV Working Groups: Chris Price noted that the Infra Working Group had the first meeting last week. There has been questions on if decisions can be made in Working Groups, and Chris encouraged decision making within working groups but TSC can help if any guidance is needed. Dave Neary added that communication across stakeholders is needed when projects make decisions that affect other projects. Fatih reminded everyone that the Infra Working group is an open group and others are welcome to join. There was a general consensus that working group for Infra & Testing seem to be working well and maybe a good way to utilize community’s time.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride mentioed that the focus of the weekly release meeting should be on reporting and coordination. Also, milestone definitions is approaching a steady state for Colorado and release projects in general.
- AoB: Bryan Sullivan mentioned that the OpenDaylight Summit CFP has closed and asked for OPNFV's plans at the ODL Summit in September. Ray added that OPNFV is a Silver sponsor at the ODL Summit and it maybe worth organizing a me/hackfest. Ray/Chris Price took an action item to update the events page on the wiki.
MeetBot Minutes
May 3, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Highlights from the OpenStack summit - All
- Quick read-out on; statistics, infra, project teams.
- Design Summit update - Ray
- OPNFV Technical Governance Discussion - Chris
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Colorado infrastructure cross project initiatives
- RelEng: Jenkins Jobs refactoring Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- Genesis: Common configuration Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- Pharos: Compliance Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. and Tooling Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- RelEng: Jenkins Jobs refactoring
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Highlights from the OpenStack Summit: Chris Price noted that there was a meeting with the OpenStack infra team on Friday and is trying to make connections with the OPNFV infrastructure team to start collaboration. Uli/Bryan noted that there is definitely good synergy between & relationship between the two communities. Ildiko also noted that many OpenStack members came to OPNFV sessions to learn how to collaborate with OPNFV. Dave Neary shared feedback from OpenStack that OPNFV should approach them with a problem and collaborate with them on a solution (vs. telling them what to do).
- Design Summit Update: Ray Paik encourgaged community members to post session proposals at Design Summit session proposals page by May 27th. Ray also took the action item to send a mail to mailing lists for a "call for volunteers" to help with Design Summit planning. During the main Summit, there will also be a "Project Track" so that project teams can present an overview/update on their projects.
- OPNFV Technical Governance Discussion: In addition to discussions on mailing lists, people can send private feedback to if anyone is uncomfortable with doing it in public mailing lists.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride noted that the project team is continuing to work on the details of the milestones for Colorado and people can participate in detailed discussions during the weekly release meeting (following the TSC call).
- Colorado infrastrucuture cross project initiatives: There was a discussion on starting a wiki page to document these infrastructure-related initiatives. Chris Price took an action item to reach out to the infra-related teams to help establish a common wiki page. Ray also suggested that interns may be a good resource for these initiatives.
MeetBot Minutes
April 26, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Brahmaputra.3.0 update - Chris
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- OSCAR project termination review - Stuart
- Code of Conduct discussion
- Design Summit planning kickoff - Ray
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride notes that an email was just sent with updates on projects participating in Colorado release. Milestone refinement is on-going and there was also good discussions on the schedule at OpenStack Summit. Chris Price added that it'd be good to have a discussion on improving Documentation for the Colorado release and this could be discussed in other meetings (e.g. Thursday's Technical Community call).
- Brahmaputra 3.0 update: Chris Price mentioned that scenarios counts are expected to increase for 3.0 and the labeling should be completed by Thursday (28th).
- OSCAR project termination review: Stuart notes that announcement on project termination was sent out 2 weeks ago and no work has been done for OSCAR since project creation. There's also no impact on any other OPNFV projects. The TSC approved project termination via IRC vote.
- Code of Conduct: Ray discussed the current draft of the Code of Conduct (CoC) on the wiki. Dave Neary asked what happens when there is a poor behavior and what the recourse is. There was a discussion of having people from the LF plus select members of the community helping with resolutions. Mike Dolan added that LF typically has a 4-step process, starting with talking to the community members in question, then (if issues are not addressed) with their management, finally in the community, and step 4 is exclusion. Getting to step 4 is very unusual and indicates a serious problem. Dave Neary, Chris Price, Ray, Ash, Uli, Jonas Bjurel, and Ildiko volunteered to finalize the Code of Conduct for review at a future TSC call.
- Design Summit planning: Ray discussed the outline for Design Summit in Berlin. Chris Price asked if it would make sense to also have project team meetings/hacking on Day 1 plus move some of the presentation sessions to Day 2 so there's a consistent format over both days. Ray will start a wiki/etherpad page so that people can propose Design Summit sessions. Dave Neary made a comment that it'd be better to have more interactive sessions (vs. one way presentations). There will likely be call for volunteers to help review session proposals on the wiki/etherpad.
- AoB: Sofia outlines that the Docs team is working on documentation template for Colorado and is looking for community feedback. Uli made a suggestion that documents should be structured to address the user and the project structure we have today may not be best serving our consumers.
MeetBot Minutes
April 19, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Board meeting report out - Chris
- OPNFV technical governance discussion - Prodip Sen
- OPNFV technical governance discussion - Prodip Sen
- brahmaputra.3.0 update - Chris
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Code of Conduct discussion
- Upcoming Events and planning - Ray
- TSC Meeting on "OpenStack Tuesday" 09:00 central Austin time.
- Community metrics
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Board meeting report out
- Chris Price summarized the Board meeting discussions from April 14th.
- Next, Prodip gave an update on Board discussion around technical governance and areas for improvement. Prodip discussed uniqueness of OPNFV and areas where OPNFV can take a leadership role across NFV. There is also a desire to have a merit-based approach in OPNFV to reward and promote those who are contributing strongly to the technical community. Prodip asked for feedback from the TSC and community on the topics/feedback presented in the slides and how we can improve our technical structure and governance. A question was raised how feedback was gathered to-date, and Prodip noted that these were independent feedback and thus the desire to reach out to the sider community. On NFV industry leadership, Prodip noted that such leadership is desired to broker architectural discussions within OPNFV (e.g. on MANO, Forwarding, etc.). On the merit-based TSC, there was a discussion that many open source communities have elected committees and this may also be a good way to attract more developers. Bryan made a suggestion that any move to a new structure needs to have a clear plan and done methodically. The topic will be re-visited in future TSC calls.
- Brahmaputra 3.0 update: Chris Price noted that 3.0 is on track for labeling at the end of this month. A question was raised if another dot release is planned for May, and Chris noted that it looks like most scenarios will make the 3.0 release but can have another conversation next week.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride mentioned that the community wants to have more granular milestones that better capture the development flow toward the release. Also, the community has agreed to roll the scenario and release planning project discussions back into the weekly release meetings and scenarios/scenario owners are being captured on the wiki ( David also noted that we are behind on some of our early milestones but catching up and bringing our activities into alignment for Colorado. David also mentioned that he is close to producing an updated schedule for Colorado.
- There was also a board discussion on release cadence/interval as there has been a lot of stress in the community to meet the 6-month cadence. Brian Skerry added that the cadence in his view is not the issue, our processes and activities should be evaluated to limit the effort of addressing the release activity. Dave Neary noted that the value of the OPNFV community is not in the releases that we produce. Margaret encouraged the technical community to provide feedback/recommendation to the Board on release cadence. Chris Price took the action item to start a discussion on the mailing regarding release cadence and Dave Neary has the action item to start a mailing list discussion on whether OPNFV should continue to do releases.
- Upcoming events and planning: Ray mentioned that the EVNT wiki page will be further updated shortly, and some of the key upcoming events are OpenStack-Austin, OPNFV Plugfest, OPNFV Summit (plus the Design Summit). The Design Summit planning will start next week and looking for volunteers to help with programming.
- Community metrics: Dave Neary discussed that the metrics should be driven by desired goals and outcomes of the community. There is also interest from OpenStack to capture NFV metrics. Dave took an action item to investigate if a meeting could be setup with OpenStack community next week in Austin.
MeetBot Minutes
April 12, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- brahmaputra.3.0 update - Chris
- Wiki post-mortem
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Colorado test coordination and planning - Trevor
- Dedicated mailing lists and dedicated GTM accounts for projects - Frank
- Working with upstream: TSC approves dedicated email list for FDS project. (+1,0,-1)
- TSC approves per project GTM accounts to be created. (+1,0,-1)
- Board dialogs from the Collaboration Summit - Chris Price
- Upcoming board meeting report:
- Infrastructure requirements and improvements - Chris / Trevor
- Code of Conduct discussion
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Trevor Bramwell introduced himself as another sysadmin resource from the Linux Foundation
- Wiki post-mortem: There has not been a lot of feedback on the wiki migration on the wiki page and people thought more feedback would be helpful. Dave Neary suggested having a call to discuss feedback and took an action item to setup a call.
- Colorado planning and activities: David McBride reports that Milestone 2 passed on April 8th and about 20-30% of projects are reporting "red" for Colorado. Colorado timelines are under discussion and testing teams have indicated that they need between 12-16 weeks post freeze (including integration/test/docs) to complete the release.
- Colorado test coordination and planning: Trevor outlines the expansion of test project and scenario growth creates a challenge for the testing teams to coordinate criteria for a release. Trevor recommended that projects should look to contribute to the test projects which would be reported and documented in a common and consistent manner. Fatih added that there is a need to reduce overlap and focus our efforts to maximize the effectiveness of our efforts to validate and prove the platform. Fatih recommended that test project PTLs should drive this forward.
- Dedicated mailing lists and GTM accounts for project teams:
- Frank discussed a need for a separate mailing list for the project and a discussion on if there is a good case for making an exception. In general, there was a consensus on not having separate mailing lists for each project. The TSC agreed to creating a separate mailing list for
- GTM accounts: Frank outlined issues with coordinating GTM sessions across multiple project calls and Ray noted that there is a budget for getting a couple of additional GTM accounts if needed. Ray has an action item to propose a solution to the conference infrastructure on the list and invest in additional accounts as needed.
- Board dialogs from the Collaboration Summit: Chris Price summarized board dialogs from the Collaboration Summit. One of the discussion topics with the OpenStack Board was tracking developer contributions.
- Upcoming board meeting report: Chris Price went over the TSC report out topics that he plans to cover during the upcoming board meeting on April 14th.
MeetBot Minutes
April 5, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV Security group actions for Colorado - Luke
- brahmaputra.2.0 - Chris
- brahmaputra.3.0 planning - Chris
- Colorado planning and activities - David
- Wiki migration update - Mark
- Infrastructure requirements and improvements - Chris / Trevor
- TSC Policy update - Ray
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Tapio asked about the latest on OpenSAF and Chris Price noted that plan is to have a discussion in the OPNFV Legal Committee before coming back to the TSC
- OPNFV Security group actions for Colorado: Luke discussed the Google Form ( that was sent out to Project Leads for the Colorado release. This is a questionnaire to collect information for the LF's Core Infrastructure Initiative badging program. Uli pointed out that many people will have issues with Google forms and Luke took the action item to find alternative ways (e.g. wiki) to collect the information.
- Brahmaputra 2.0 update: Chris Price noted that labels are now in place for projects that are participating in Brahmaputra 2.0.
- Brahmaputra 3.0 update: The release plan for Branhmaputra 3.0 can be found at
- Colorado planning and activities; David McBride noted that he's been working with project leads to establish a health metrics for projects. He will also be proposing milestones that incorporate more details with development activities. Scenario–as a vehicles for integration and deployment–will also be incorporated into the Colorado release plan earlier. Proposed (draft) intent to participate in a release can be found at
- Wiki migration update: Mark Beierl presented that redirect services for sustaining links are in place and is tracking incoming traffic to correct links when needed. Mark also noted that no pages or attachments have been lost in the migration and asked ti file tickets to the OPNFV helpdesk if there are remaining issues. Mark also took an action item to start an email discussion on metadata and Confluence configuration. There was also a consensus on forming a "curation group" within the community to help maintain the wiki on an on-going basis.
- TSC Policy Update: Ray noted that there were no feedback from the Board members on the TSC Policy update proposal ( and a new diagram will be added based on the latest ETSI architecture diagram. Via IRC Vote, TSC approved amendments to the TSC Policy document.
MeetBot Minutes
March 29, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Introduction to the project - Ed Warnicke
- Brahmaputra.2.0 readiness
- brahmaputra.3.0 planning
- Wiki migration update
- Infrastructure requirements and improvements - Chris / Trevor
- Project creation review:
- Colorado planning:
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Introduction to the project - Ed Warnicke presented that is the fast data I/O project that was recently formed and intends to provide a datapath forwarding platform based on the VPP project that enabled simple integration of forwarding control functions and encapsulations. The first release is planned for June, 2016 and presentation materials can be found at
- Brahmaputra.2.0 readiness: Chris noted that there are no scenario updates for Brahmaputra 2.0, but there are improvements in testing and documentation. More scenario updates are expected for Brahmaputra 3.0
- Wiki migration update: Mark mentioned that there have been issues with the namespace plugin to allow us to address the new wiki pages the same way as it was with Dokuwiki. In addition, internal links on the new wiki structure have been done using external links which were not automatically migrated. Work is on-going to address these issues and requesting community to help. Also, work is being done via the LF infrastrucuture to resolve incorrect links from Google searches. An update will be provided to the community within the next 24 hours.
- Project creation review:
- FDS project proposal: Frank discussed the new project proposal to incorporate the forwarder to OPNFV. The project will involve collaboration with upstream projects such as OpenDaylight and OpenStack. There will be a focus on scenario composition with VPP as the forwarding software. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the project creation.
- Infrastructure requirements and improvements: Chris summarized discussion during the OPNFV Hackfest regarding the utilization of existing hardware (vs. purchasing more equipments). Trevor also noted that purchaing the hardware is the easy part and the bigger challenge is the personel required to support the hardware. It is also imprtant to follow defined processes for Pharos labs.
MeetBot Minutes
March 22, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Project creation review
- Hackfest update - Chris/Ray
- Board meeting update - Chris
- Wiki migration update
- Colorado planning:
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Project creation review for NetReady: Georg noted that the project name has been changed to Netready to better reflect the scope of the project. Also, there were no future discussions or inputs around the project scope. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the project creation.
- Hackfest update: Ray provided a quick recap from the Hackfest. Ray will also send out a follow-up note to gauge community's preference for hackfests in 2H'2016.
- Board meeting update: There was a feedback from the board to investigate if more hardware is desired for testing/release activities and this conversation started during the Hackfest.
- Wiki migration update: Migration to Confluence will commence on Friday (25th) morning Pacific Time and the wiki will be unavailable for a few hours.
- Request was made to the Wiki migration team to ensure that external links to wiki pages are all functional ASAP post migration.
- Project creation review for Domino: Prakash presented the project proposal and noted that Domino is a label-based publication/subscription system. Interactions with other OPNFV project such as Models and Parsers were also presented in the project proposal page. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved the project creation.
MeetBot Minutes
March 15, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Project creation review
- OpenSAF - Jonas Arndt
- NFV Ready Networking Services
- Hackfest update - Chris/Ray
- Marketing update - Brandon
- IETF 95 - Charles Eckel
- Board meeting update - Chris
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Project creation review
- OpenSAF - Jonas Arndt presented the history of the OpenSAF project. In response to question if OpenSAF addresses other markets besides telco/carriers, Jonas noted that there has been military applications, but the focus is on carrier networking. Jonas also added that the OpenSAF foundation will dissolve and the license will change to Apache-2 after the April release. There were questions on the license change-Jonas added that OpenSAF is the sole owner of the copyright-and Ray Paik took the action item to discuss the license issue with the legal team. There was also a discussion on hosting code development projects in OPNFV and Dave Neary will start this discussion on the mailing list.
- NFV Ready Networking Services: Georg presented the project proposal and the goal of the project is to work with upstream communities to evaluate NFV use cases in the context of cloud networking. There was a good discussion if the work can be under existing projects and on the project scope. Suggestions were also made to change the project name. Georg took the action item to continue the discussion on the mailing list.
- IETF 95 - Charles Eckel ( discussed the upcoming Hackathon at IETF 95 in Bueno Aires and IETF's recent focus on code. OPNFV will also be hosting Bits'N Bites in Buenos Aires.
- Marketing update: Brandon provided a quick marketing update including OPNFV's activities at ONS, CFP for OPNFV Summit that is open until the end of the month, Plugfest website/registration, and start of the OPNFV Meetup program.
MeetBot Minutes
March 8, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- TSC Meetings in Summer time transitions - Ray
- Board Agenda and TSC update - Chris
- Release C Planning - Chris/All
- Project creation review
- OpenSAF - Jonas Arndt
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- TSC Meetings in Summer time transitions: With Daylight Savings/Summer times starting in the US, Europe, etc. there will be changes in meeting times for different timezones. TSC meetings will stay at 7-8am Pacific Time.
- Board agenda & TSC update: Chris Price shared his slides for the board meeting that included TSC Policy update, Brahmaputra update and C-release planning.
- Brahmaputra 2.0 planning: Daily release meetings are continuing to be held at 6:30am Pacific Time, and Chris Price will send a reminder to the mailing list on the daily meetings.
- Release C planning: Ash Young noted that having projects sign-up and begin recording our state for the C-release should be done quickly. Ash also added that project on-boarding is a key item and took the action item to send a mail to the mailing list to kick start the process. There was a consensus on starting the C-release work as soon as possible and having a one-month planning phase. Via IRC vote, the TSC approved establishing the C-release activity immediately with a release cadence of 6 months.
- ONOSFW project remaining: Ash Young described that there is a confusion on the name ONOSFW and there is also a trademark issue. Ash also confirmed that this is a simple name change and there is no change in the project scope. Via IRC vote, TSC approved the project name change to NETWORKFW.
MeetBot Minutes
March 1, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Brahmaputra release recap/update
- Pending scenario stability activity - Debra
- Brahmaputra stable handling - Morgan/(Fatih/Uli)
- Communication and web launch - Brandon/Ray/Heather
- Release C Planning - Chris/All
- C release naming - Ray
- Immediate activities for release planning.
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Brahmaputra release recap/update:
- Debra outlines that the teams are focused on troubleshooting scenario's that were not in a completely "release ready" state for Brahmaputra. Also, some of the limitations may not be solved in the B release timeframe and may be documented limitations
- Morgan notes the need to establish a methodology for handling C release activities in parallel with B-stable handling. The current assumption is that we will work only on Master and stable/Brahmaputra and tag the releases as they are ready on stable/Brahmaputra. Uli added that we are not doing stable releases, but only stabilizing scenarios. There was a discussion that there is a need to secure resources for stable handling of stable/Brahmaputra once the scenario's are in a stable state while other resources are assigned to the C-release. Octopus/Releng teams have the action item to work with the design teams to establish a resource plan for stable handling for Brahmaputra 2.0 plus document stable branch handling and labeling for stable/Brahmaputra on the release wiki page.
- Brahmaputra marketing launch: Heather described various marketing assets that went live earlier in the morning such as the press release, blog post, software downloads page, Brahmaputra landing page, etc.
- Release C planning
- Chris Price discussed Immediate activities for release planning.. There were discussions on dates (e.g. a month later than the original target), inter-project dependencies, integration/testing, etc. Chris took the action item to start a discussion on the mailing list to iterate on the wiki page.
- Release C naming: Ray still collecting nominations and the plan is to send out a poll on March 3rd. A question was raised on guideline for release names, and there was a discussion that there is no strong desire/reason to impose restrictions on release names.
MeetBot Minutes
February 23, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Brahmaputra release update - Chris/Debra
- Release C Planning - All
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Brahmaputra release update:
- Number of scenarios are ready for release (e.g. Apex/ODL-L2, Compass/ODL-L2, Compass/ONOS, Compass/NOSDN, Fuel/NOSDN, Fuel/ODL-L2, Fuel/ONOS, etc.) There are also projects that have not yet reached a stable scenario (e.g. NFVOVS, KVM4NFV, SFC, BGP-VPN, Doctor, etc.)
- There was a good discussion on scenarios that are deploying successfully, but have known limitations. The TSC agreed that scenarios with known limitations can be release on Feb. 25th with limitations documented. (These scenarios need to be reproducible) The OPNFVDOCS team has the action item to work with the deploy and test teams to clarify and fully document the state of each scenario. Aric/Debra/Octopus team also took the action item to ensure that the release tagging process is well understood for the project leads. Tagging must be done by Wednesday for all projects.
- Ray discussed updates on the software downloads page. The main download page will have links to deploy tools and users will be taken to a separate page that include software and documentation for each deploy tool. The main page will also have links to composite docs and a link to the release documentation page which will contain all project documentation.
- Heather raised the question on the terminology for release iterations. Frank suggested "Release Additions", and there were no objections to the term.
- Release C Planning:
- Ray took an action item to start a mailing list conversation for the C-release naming
- C-release brainstorming Etherpad started
- There was a good discussion on learnings from the Brahmaputra release such as resource issues on the back-end (e.g. for testing, CI, documentation, etc.), and with Pharos and install teams. There is also a need to identify early on how many projects will be involved and what impact they will have on integration, testing, and infrastructure. Shifting requirements late in the release cycle is also something that needs to be avoided. Another concern that was brought up was that the OPNFV community is not setup to provide adequate support across multiple versions of upstream projects.
MeetBot Minutes
February 16, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Brahmaputra release update - Chris/Debra
- Plugfest/Dovetail update - Chris/Lincoln/Hongbo
- Project termination review
- Project creation review:
- Release C Planning - All
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Wiki update: Aric noted that once you login with LFID, people should be able to edit the wiki. If there are still issues, please let Aric know.
- Committer removal for Releng: Fatih confirmed that there has been no objection from Releng committers to removing Victor Laza as a Releng committer. The TSC approved the committer removal via IRC vote.
- Brahmaputra release update: Debra provided the latest on Brahmaputra. Number of scenarios are working (e.g. few Compass and Fuel scenarios are ready for release), but troubleshooting is on-going for issues such as ODL L-3. Debra will update the wiki with the latest status (incl. documentation of identified issues).
- Plugfest/Dovetail update: Hongbo presented the latest on the May plugfest Logistics and the Dovetail project. Bryan Sullivan added that there's on-going discussion in ETSI regarding various certification programs and will provide suggestions/ideas to the Dovetail team.
- Project creation review for Information Modeling: Bryan discussed the proposal and mentioned that the project is intended to collect information on data modeling, show best practices, and and then collect references to tools. Goal is to provide conduit to SDOs so they can interact with OPNFV through our tools. Suggestions were made to add new committers from HPE & Huawei as was discussed in email threads. The project creation was approved via IRC vote.
- Project termination review for LSOAPI: Kevin discussed reasons for project termination listed on the project wiki page. Dave Neary asked if this is an area that needs to be worked on beyond the Brahmaputra release, and Kevin responded that the problem can now be worked on in ODL (e.g. for the Boron release). There was also a discussion that validation of the use case can be moved to other OPNFV projects such as SDNVPN. The TSC approved project termination via IRC vote.
MeetBot Minutes
February 9, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Change Request for TSC approval of OpenDaylight Beryllium uplift - Chris
- A CR has been created to take OpenDaylight Beryllium due to blocking issues with Lithium.
- Vote:
- Does the TSC approve the change request to support OpenDaylight Beryllium in Brahmaputra? (-1, 0, +1)
- Brahmaputra release date and content discussion - Chris/Debra
- Release date/plan scenarios:
- Vote:
- Shall the TSC set the Brahmaputra release date, scenario 1, to March 8th? (-1, 0, +1)
- or
- Shall the TSC set the Brahmaputra release date, scenario 2, to February 25th? (-1, 0, +1)
- TSC Policy document update - Brian Skerry
- OPNFV Q1'2016 Hackfest update - Ray
- Board meeting update - Chris
- Project creation review:
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Change Request for TSC approval of OpenDaylight Beryllium uplift: There was a discussion on taking OpenDaylight Beryllium due to blocking issues with Lithium. Tapio raised the question if there are any dependencies on dlux and none were noted. The TSC approved to support OpenDaylight Beryllium in Brahmaputra via IRC vote.
- Brahmaputra release date and content: Chris discussed two scenarios outlined in For scenario 2, there was a discussion that some thought should be given to what can be included in Stable Releases. Comments were also made that the community may want to investigate creating a new lightweight release process for stable releases (post Brahmaputra). There was a consensus forming around scenario 2, and the TSC voted to set the Brahmaputra release date to February 25th with incremental stability releases.
- TSC Policy document update: Brian Skerry presented the updates on the TSC Policy document following the removal of initial scope constraint on OPNFV. A block diagram from page 14 of will be added to the new TSC Policy page. Also, there was a consensus to remove "..., additional architectural functional blocks, ..." above the block diagram. The TSC agreed to move forward with the proposed text and will approve it once we have received feedback from the Board. Ray has the action item to update the text on the wiki page.
- OPNFV Hackfest update: Ray noted that the focus of the upcoming hackfest will be on project breakouts and plenary session will be limited to 3-4 hours on the first day Hackfest Etherpad ('2016_Hackfest). Will also have additional discussions during the Community Call on Thursday.
MeetBot Minutes
February 2, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- License scan update - Scott Nicholas
- Brahmaputra status update - Debra
- Brahmaputra release date and content discussion - Chris
- Vote: Shall the TSC set the final release date for Brahmaputra to agreed_date? (-1, 0, +1)
- TSC Policy document update - Brian Skerry
- Update on Q1'2016 Hackfest at ONS (March 14-15) - Ray
- Planning Etherpad ('2016_Hackfest)
- Update on Brahmaputra PlugFest planning and activities - Hongbo and team
- AoB
- Previous meeting minutes approved
- License scan update: Scott mentioned that another license scan will be done after the code freeze on Friday and individual project teams will be contacted if there questions/issues. Scott also added that if it is not possible to add license information in a file (e.g. for images, binaries, etc.), you can put a license file in a directory. For projects that require files with non-Apache v.2 license, a 3rd party OSS dependency questionnaire will be sent to be filled out by project teams. For documentation, Ray added that Creative Commons license should bs used as noted in the Documentation section of OPNFV Coding Guidelines. opnfvdocs team took an action item to work with the projects to ensure we have the right licensing in our documents. Finally, Scott added that if a file has an incorrect license it can be flagged as a bug, but one needs to be sure they have the rights to change the license of the file prior to making any corrections.
- Brahmaputra status update: Debra noted that troubleshooting is on-going after code freeze. Some scenarios (e.g. Compass, JOID) have begun to stabilize, but for others more runs are needed to establish a stable trend. There was a good discussion on the latest proposal for a schedule captured on Morgan added that having all project teams use the same CI solution will make it easier to track & predict what is happening (e.g. on The consensus was that the community will likely have more confidence in setting the release date in about a week’s time. The TSC agreed to postpone setting the release date until next TSC meeting when more information will be available.
MeetBot Minutes
January 26, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Brahmaputra status update - Debra
- Brahmaputra release date and content discussion - Chris
- Update on Q1'2016 Hackfest at ONS (March 14-15) - Ray
- Planning Etherpad ('2016_Hackfest)
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Brahmaputra status update: Debra noted that currently there are 24 scenarios planned and 15 of them are installing successfully. Other scenarios have not been deployed and still working through known issues. On testing, both Functest & Yardstick are working through issues. Morgan also added that there are issues with vPing & vIMS. Currently, there is no scenario that is able to be run according to the release requirement of four successful runs (Compass is closest). Consensus that the community is about three weeks behind on meeting the Milestone E requirements (people are still working towards code freeze in many cases). The community also had to deal with the delay in CI lab resources as many were not available until early January.
- Brahmaputra release date and content discussion: There was a good discussion on staying with the time-based approach for the release vs. moving to a more content-based approach (where a release date would be set based on achieving targets for scenarios). Community also learned in the past few weeks that testing required more time than originally anticipated. There was a consensus to create a new schedule with reasonable milestones in order to set a target release date. The TSC decided to postpone the target release date of Brahmaputra via IRC vote.
- After the vote, there was a discussion on the definition of code freeze and Chris Price took the action item to start this discussion on the mailing list and vote on the code freeze date.
MeetBot Minutes
January 19, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Brahmaputra update - Debra
- Brahmaputra release marketing plan - Brandon/Jill
- Q1'2016 Hackfest at ONS (March 14-15) - Ray
- Planning Etherpad ('2016_Hackfest)
- OPNFV Board meeting update - Chris
- TSC Policy document update - Brian Skerry
- ETSI NFV Modeling Workshop summary - Bryan Sullivan
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Brahmaputra update: Debra reported that code freeze for installers (e.g. Fuel, Compass4nfv) postponed for a few days due to hardware issues over the weekend. Major challenge now is to stabilize testing suites and test results for the scenarios. Some projects have decided to work in a post-install process to relieve the requirement to support a tested Brahmaputra scenario. Frank added that the TSC will need to determine next week how strict we are on maturity and conformance as we approach the final release date for scenarios that are struggling with stability.
- Brahmaputra release marketing plan: Brandon Wick reported that the marketting team is preparing their content for going live on Thursday the 4th, pending a go/no-go decision by the TSC on February 2nd. A new Brahmaputra landing page will also be added to Jill Lovato also discussed press release, blog post, and social media campaign. Jill also wants to include quotes from project leads in the Brahmaputra PR campaigns. Frank asked how much lead time the marketing team would need for release marketing, and Brandon noted that the 2 day buffer is there to allow for any fluctuation.
- Q1'2016 Hackfest at ONS (March 14-15): Ray started a Hackfest planning etherpad ('2016_Hackfest) and encourages everyone to add suggested topics on the etherpad.
- Board meeting update: Chris went over the The January Board meeting summary that was sent out by Wenjing (Board Secretary). During the TSC update, Chris Price communicated to the board that the goal is to stay with the time-based release schedule for Brahmaputra.
- TSC Policy document update: Brian Skerry provided an update on the TSC Policy document and suggested doing final edits over the mailing list before voting at the TSC meeting next week.
- ETSI NFV Modeling Workshop summary: Bryan Sullivan provided an update from his participation at the workshop ( Bryan also discussed his plan to incubate a project that evaluates interfaces from SDO's and how they are able to be applied to OPNFV (and our upstream communities) including evaluating any divergences.
- AoB: Ray gave a reminder that an email has been sent to project leads if there were either missing or non-Apache v.2 license information in project repos. A request to address these issues as soon as possible.
MeetBot Minutes
January 12, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- OPNFV Board Update - Chris
- Q4'2015 Quarterly Awards - Ray
- Project life cycle update - Ildiko/Frank
- OPNFV Projects
- Frank would like to vote for the implementation of this description:
- Vote to approve the new project lifecycle document (+1, 0, -1)
- TSC report out for the January Board meeting - Chris
- Brahmaputra update - Debra
- C-release milestones discussion
- AoB
- Minutes for December 22, 2015 & January 5, 2016 approved
- OPNFV Board update: The January OPNFV board meeting agenda was posted in Board agenda email, and Chris Price shared the TSC update slides that will be included in the board deck.
- Q4'2015 Quarterly awards: Ray noted that it is time to start the quarterly awards process for Q4'2015. There was some concern that people that are new to the community may not be getting the recognition with the current process. Ray to start a discussion on the mailing list to collect community feedback.
- Project life cycle update: Frank/Ildiko summarized the updates to the document and recent discussions in the community. There was a consensus that further iteration on the document will likely be necessary for latter stages like Integration. The TSC approved the latest project lifecycle document via IRC vote (with 13 votes in favor).
- Brahmaputra update: Work is on-going to resolve Pharos issues in order to have a stable infrastructure. Testing is also constrained due to issues with deployment scenarios and this is being addressed. Scenario freeze date has been pushed out to January 15th to allow more features into Brahmaputra. Debra is also driving towards test tools, installers, and infrastructure projects freeze by January 19th. TSC should have the necessary information by the next TSC call (January 19th) to make an informed decision on the release.
- C-release milestone discussion: There was a discussion on the need to clarify milestones for the C-release.
- The following people volunteered to help Debra with this activity Uli, Fatih, Edgar, Ildiko, Trevor, Tim Irnich, and Frank Brockners.
MeetBot Minutes
January 5, 2016
- Previous meeting minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- License scan for Brahmaputra - Ray & Scott Nicholas
- Brahmaputra update - Debra
- Release readiness team, to provide steering and the TSC with recommendations, with Ray and Debra
- AoB
- Minutes for December 15, 2015 approved. Approval for the December 22nd minutes deferred to next week.
- Confluence migration: Aric reported that the universal migration tool from Atlassian is no longer available and is looking for community help to structure the new wiki. Bryan Sullivan, Mark Beierl, and Chris Price volunteered to help with the work.
- Alan Sardella also starts this week as a Technical Marketing Manager for OPNFV.
- License scan for Brahmaputra: Scott Nicholas reported the outcome of the recent license scan and not all projects are following the best practice of including licensing information in files (and not just having a license file in each directory). Scott and Ray will be reaching out to project leads if there's missing license information or if there's a-non Apache 2 license. Scott also added that investigation on license for binary files is still on-going. Scott/Ray will also share the license scan data with files that are missing license or has non-Apache 2 license.
- Brahmaputra update: Debra reminds everyone that the deadline for Milestone E (code freeze and establishing the stable branch) is today. Debra presented the idea of a "release group" that can evaluate release readiness. There was also a good discussion on Brahmaputra Scenarios. The preference is to ensure that key groups like functest, Pharos, yardstick, releng, installers, scenario leaders, etc. are represented in the "release group".
MeetBot Minutes