2023-02-21 TSC Agenda and Minutes

Anuket Project

2023-02-21 TSC Agenda and Minutes


  1. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  2. Lincoln Lavoie 
  3. Scot Steele (Co-Chair)
  4. Beth Cohen (Verizon) 
  5. Dan Xu 
  6. Pankaj.Goyal 
  7. Gergely Csatari (Nokia, Co-Chair)
  8. Riccardo Gasparetto 

Absent (TSC)

  1. Walter.kozlowski(Telstra)
  2. Lei Huang 

Other Attendees 

  1.  Al Morton (AT&T)






5 min
2 min


  • ETSI NFV invites the Anuket community to participate in the 10 year anniversary of ETSI
5 min

  • Please fill out the survey!
  • The Anuket futures session was very useful.
  • Sessions were well participated on Monday

Nephio is thinking of doing a certification program as well.  This is an issue across many of the projects.  Need for collaboration to reduce the number of certification programs.  Some of the other communities are running into similar problems.  This needs to be brought up at the next SPC meeting.  The LFN leadership needs to bring it to the Linux foundation.

10 min
  • TSC Meeting time
  • Scot Steele -s suggestions
  • Publish the agenda on Thursday, so people can prepare and instruct their proxies
  • We start to record the meetings (The person who objected is no longer on the TSC BTW.)
  • A: Gergely Csatari Let's take an email vote on if this proposal is working for everyone
5 min
Scot Steele 
  • Scot Steele plans to stick around until the end of Orinoco
    • TSC co-chair
    • TSC calls
    • TAC meetings
    • Would be good if someone would take over
      • RC2 PTL
      • Release management
    •  No participation
      • Tech Meeting calls
5 minGergely Csatari 
5 min
Release Updates
  • M2 is due  
2 min
Beth Cohen 

How are we doing?  Got lots of good feedback at the D&TF about the need for Anuket to continue and its importance to the community and other projects.  

  • 20 responses
  • We keep the survey open until mid March
  • Will be advertised in the ONAP TSC
2 minSandra Jackson 

2 min
  • SPC and TAC update
Gergely Csatari , Beth Cohen 
Missed the SPC meeting this week, so updates.
2 min

Sub-project Leaders

  • Vineperf decided not to participate in the Orinoco release, it will participate in release P
5 min

1 minAOB

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