5 min 2 min Announcements
F2F DnTF 2023.11.13 - 2023.11.16 - Budapest OSPO Codecon 2023 Open Infrastructure Summit in Vancouver last week. It includes also the forum and PTG Open Infrastructure PTG ONE Summit Regional Day: Spai n Co-located with the Open Source Summit Maybe even with the LF Europe Summit A: Gergely Csatari to doublecheck the time of the LF Europe Summit ONE Summit Regional Day: China 26 Sep 2023 Sridhar Rao
Budapest DnTF OSPO Codecon 2023 2 month internal activity by Infosys 08 Aug 2023 2:30 AM Pacific Sridhar Rao will have a presentation about AnuketOpen Infra Summit We do not have Ildiko this week Open Infrastructure PTG ONE Summit Regional Day: Spai n5 min Build servers are still down pull/3378 was merged, so the GitHub builds are not blocked by the build serversFabio Palumbo (Deactivated) and Cédric Ollivier are debugging the issueMigration of the Jenkins instance is ongoing from GCP to Vexxhost Cédric Ollivier runs a temporarly build server for the production buildsEstimation is that the migration can be done next week and the production build servr will be operational 5 min SPC meeting was focusing on tomorrows board meeting GB will discuss what the focus of LFN 5 min Anuket Assured Anuket TSC participation is needed!!!! Meeting did not have a quorum and ended early. 5 min RC2 Release Manager Volunteer RM PTL TSC seat of Pankaj.Goyal TSC seat of Scot Steele If there are no nominations by the next TSC we will have a vote on running with a 7 person TSC A: Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) to write a mail about this to the Anuket Tech Discuss mailing listRC2Termination review will be prepared for next week Release Manager RM PTL TSC seats of Pankaj.Goyal and Scot Steele TSC co-chair election 5 min
Orinoco Pieman planning New release names PCAC Main docs Picolo theme Add Piccolo theme to the sub-projects RA1 - pull/3364 - needs 2 more reviewers RI1 - pull/3365 - needs 2 more reviewers RC2 - pull/3366 - needs 2 more reviewers Vineperf - volunteer wanted Functest - volunteer wanted Barometer - volunteer wanted
2 min Gergely Csatari , Beth Cohen 2 min 5 min Technical Officer Updates There will be no weekly Technical Meeting this week 1 min AOB