Anuket Project

2023-08-29 TSC Agenda and Minutes


Absent (TSC)

  1. Dan Xu (Huawei)
  2. Riccardo Gasparetto
  3. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  4. Beth Cohen (Verizon) - co-chair
  5. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  6. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  7. Gergely Csatari (Nokia) - co-chair
  8. zhuguanyu (Huawei)

Other Attendees 





Notes (if you have comments prior to the meeting add them to this column with your name as the source of the comment)
5 min

2 min


5 min

5 min
  • Feedback on the Mid-Year Project Review -May 16th and 17th

    • Let's wait for an answer until the end of August () and then stop waiting for the board

5 min

5 min
  • RC2
    • A: Gergely Csatari to do the needed actions to re-open RC2.
    • Vote: TSC agrees to reactivate RC2 with the less than 1 week review period of the Reactivation Review.

5 min
  • Release Updates

5 min
Gergely Csatari 

  • PCAC
    • Picolo theme
      • Add Piccolo theme to the sub-projects
        • RA1 - pull/3364 - needs review from Cédric Ollivier 
        • RI1 - pull/3365 - blocked by the CODEOWNERS change
        • Vineperf - volunteer wanted
        • Functest - volunteer wanted
        • Barometer - volunteer wanted

2 min
  • SPC and TAC update
Gergely Csatari , Beth Cohen 
2 min

Sub-project Leaders

5 min

1 minAOB