Portrayal of Reference Implementation (discussion):
Full RI comes AFTER Meld is complete? See artifact discussion
How do we characterize the JERMA Release Test Suite?
OPNFV provides the building-blocks (tests) for CNTT's RC.
Repeatable, consumable, stable.
Hand-off OPNFV-JERMA to RC activities and OVP badging (not the same)
Main goal OPNFV-JERMA is to work-out Release processes and Release testing, then hand-off to others.
More specifically, is JERMA an RC Tech Preview? Prototype? Beta? Experimental?
JERMA is the most comprehensive set of tests aligned to the CNTT RA-1 and RC-1.
NEED to follow OPNFV-JERMA Release with RC-1 Baldy, add new tests in the 'how to run the RC-1 tests' instructions (Baldy RC-1 point release is THE RC).
CNTT determines the definition of Compliance (test cases in RC).
Does the TSC agree that Jerma is a release of OPNFV project which can be consumed by CNTT to form the RC and RI?
Where does AIRSHIP stand with respect to CNTT RI ??
How is AIRSHIP Gated/evaluated as part of the JERMA Release?
Does the AIRSHIP Release Gate require RC-conformance == CNTT RI ?
Or, Is the JERMA Release of AIRSHIP self-gating?
Or, is No RI delivered in JERMA - RI not defined - AIRSHIP is an RI Technical Preview only.
Does the TSC agree that JERMA is a release of OPNFV projects which can be consumed to form the BALDY RC and/or RI?
or do we mean to say that OPNFV JERMA IS The RC and the RI ??